K&N FIPK | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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November 29, 1999
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I could use some opinions on this set-up for my 95 V6
I can pick one up for a good price. How would you rate the system in terms of extra power???

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i'm just thinking about it, too, and posted a similar thread somewhere else on the forum

i'm now going to get the MAC cold air kit instead of K&N's, 'cuz apparently MAC gives me more performance (14.4 hp increase!) and looks much cooler (has chrome tube, dresses up my engine bay :D )

FIPK is nice, and has CARB exemption, but for me they don't make a gen II for '97 v8; gen I looks like just a cone filter replacing my air box, seems to me a bit pricy for $157, and doesn't tell me how much horsepower it'll give

seems to me the guys think MAC and KKM are better performers, anyone?

The actual cone filters of all of them are just about the same, there is no real difference there. The kits with tubes will help because of the straighter air flow(especially on a 91-94). K&N holds an advantage of being CARB certified, so if you live in a state with inspections concerning CARB certification, you need a K&N (or a K&N sticker stuck on whatever setup). This is the sole reason why K&Ns are expensive, not that they perform better, only because they are certified.

Jim, the 95 has a strange, big end on the intake tube, that is why you will find a lot of applications for 96-01, but not 95. Hopefully the kit you find will have an adapter piece to compensate for the size difference, but you may have to fab one up.


oh oops. thanks Robb :D


Thanks for the reply, Yes you are correct Robb. The 95 does have one huge end on the motor side. I have a K&N filter and small end adapter now , but the other end in way big. Thats why I just may get the PFIK kit that comes with the new tube. Thanks for the info.
