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Keep Blowing Fuse


December 7, 2011
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 explorer
I am driving a 95 Ford Explorer. I keep blowing fuse 20, which the manual says is for:

power antenna,
GEM system,
cellular phone

I don't have a power antenna or a cell phone accessory built into the car.

The radio is out. Any idea where I can start looking to see what is causing the radio to blow?

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Pull the radio out and start looking for bare wires. Look under the steering column. Look on top of the steefing column. Unhook the radio, see if the fuse blows.

Troubleshoot the items in that circuit.
Disconnect the radio, does the fuse still blow?
Disconnect the GEM, does the fuse still blow?
Disconnect the anti theft, does the fuse still blow?

odds are high that you are going to be lucky and find out that pulling the GEM connectors will result in NO more fuse blowing which is UNLUCKY because it has lots of "stuff" to deal with and hence is difficult to track thru.... further in lots of cases, it isn't a bad GEM but related wiring and components. As suggested, unplug things and check for pinched wires in and around the dash / column.

Pinched wires in the steering column are notorious...
