KKM ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Well-Known Member
November 7, 2002
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Harrisonburg, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
Explorer 91 XL
ok i was woundering how much a kkm intake will cost me for my 91 X. because they said the reason it is cuting off is because water is geting into the air intake system because it sit's low on the explorer and is easy for water to get into and will this kkm really help me out

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who said the reason your truck is cutting off? a mechanic?

I'm not entirely familiar with the underhood of first gen X's, but wouldn't an open-element filter like the KKM get wetter, therefore making the problem worse than a stock filter wrapped in an airbox?


It's a lot better than the stock system. With the stock intake the water gets sucked up into the system because of the vacuum, and the hose is so far down. With the KKM, the filter is placed farther back into the engine, and is protected from water splash from the wheel well.

If that makes any sense.:rolleyes: It does help a lot though. With the stock, I hydrolocked the engine many times, since I've switched nothing.
