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Lift kit


July 2, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
N.E. Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT
I wanna lift my x 4". I want a good kit at a good price. Where should I buy and what brand.

With a 4" lift, what size tires should I run? At what point in tire size do I need to re gear? Thanks for your help.

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try doing a search, maybe even under Useful treads?

What gear ratio do you have now?

F150 Coil spacers up front and shackles in the back with a 3" body lift will give you about 4"-5" of lift.

Body lift: about $100
Shackles: about $50
Spacers: about $30

So under $200

Originally posted by audiodude332001
F150 Coil spacers up front and shackles in the back with a 3" body lift will give you about 4"-5" of lift.

Body lift: about $100
Shackles: about $50
Spacers: about $30

So under $200
Just wanted to add that you will need a front end alignment also, so add that into your total.

Thanks redrig, I totally forgot.

I assume the gear ratio is factory. If there were options for factory gearing then I don't know.

Yes there were options, looks on the inside of the drivers door under axle and tell us what the code is.

With four inches you can run 31's maybe 32's with some trimming...
