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Lifting my 04 ST XLT

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:thumbsup:nice sport thdoors!

I want to keep my step bar on the side and put a front brush guard on...What kind issues would I have with those with a body lift...That is why I liked the ride I attached in the pciture above

I want to keep my step bar on the side and put a front brush guard on...What kind issues would I have with those with a body lift...
To fit the brush guard (or keep the tow hooks) with a bodylift you would have to cut some ugly notches in the front valence. With a bodylift the tow hook mounts line up at the lower part of the valence.

Yea..I do not want to cut any of the body...Suspension lift is probally the way I want to go...

There just seems like alot of people have a differernt ways of doing it..

Yea..I do not want to cut any of the body...Suspension lift is probally the way I want to go...
The kit from Superlift is the best deal for the money then.

Web site details...any place I can look for a superlift

I found the super lift

Now my ST is 2wd...I only see kits for 4wd.

will it matter...I will keep looking on the site

I found the super lift

Now my ST is 2wd...I only see kits for 4wd.
Well, you didn't say that you had a 2wd. On the upside, lifting a 2wd is much cheaper. You want front lift spindles for a 2wd Ranger Edge and you can get the rear springs by themselves from Superlift. You may have to switch to Ranger brake rotors (I think).
This has been covered many times here. Do a Search.
Also you can do a TT/shackle lift on a 2wd as well.


so what was the endstate of doing the TT and lifting the front end 1.5 or 2 inches? or if anyone has a stock sport trac without TT adjust what is the measurement from ground to top of the opening of the fender?


i got 36 and 3/4 inches ground to fender over the middle of the wheel after my TT
