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Lighted interior door handles

Sport (no trac)

Well-Known Member
June 25, 2001
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 4Dr XLT
My Ford Contour had some really funky features which were unique for a car at that price point. In particular, the exterior keyway was lighted when you lifted the door handle, and when the head or parking lights were on the interior door handle areas were bathed in a pale green light. Very cool.

The lighted keyway is more trouble than its worth, but how difficult would it be to install the Contour's interior door handle lights? I assume this would be relatively easy as digging up the part numbers, drilling a small hole for the lights, then running wires to the power and ground for the factory door and window switches.


Just go to Radio Shack and buy a green LED for a few dollars. Drill the hole in an inconspicious area around the handle. Retrofitting the Contour lights might be a ton of unnecessary work.
