List of crap to fix... Need advice...Fix it or Sell it! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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List of crap to fix... Need advice...Fix it or Sell it!

Nitrous SSC

Well-Known Member
October 17, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Layton, UT
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Eddie 3-oh-2
I only owe 3k left on this thing and I'm trying to decide either to sell it or keep it and drive it till the wheels fall off. Its got 115k on it.

#1. The front of my explorer groans when driving. Granted I know I have Big O XT's that are a pretty agressive tire its damn loud compared to my friends ranger with the same tires...Both Hub/Bearing's have been replaced. DAMN that was expensive. Fixed nothing. I'm thinking about changing the CV's Do these moan/whine?

#2. The rear end whines like a mother. Its so loud it sounds like a monkey installed the gears and set them up wrong. It wasn't like this when I purchased the truck. I have changed the fluid when I did all new bearings and seals. I'm thinking its a get setup issue. I'm just wondering if anyone elses X started to do this.

#3. The drivers side valve cover has started leaking. It stinks, and the "low oil" warning comes on about once every month and my X is now marking its territory. Can I change that drivers side cover gasket without pulling the upper? I'm used to the smaller one on my stang.

#4. The Center concole/armrest has ripped and gotten nasty looking. Where is the best place to get an OEM ford replacement one, I'm looking for a tan one.

#5. The offset of the aftermarket wheels has them sitting in a little far and the front tires rub on the sway bar and the rears rub pretty good on the rear splash shields. You look at my truck and you can definatly tell they're in to much. Where is a good place for 1" spacers that bolt on with their own studs? I don't want the cheap spacers.

#6. The heater....I can't stand this issue and no one has been able to tell me whats wrong short of going to the dealer (and I've talked with 3 friends that WORK at dealers) It vary's at the hot/cold break over point but it will either blow full hot air or cold air. Sometimes its 83* or 85* it will change. The blend door is brand new installed by Ford. I know thats not the issue, it moves just fine I've checked. Something electrical is screwed up. I have ordered a replacement sensor for the interior and we'll see if that fixes. If it dosn't any of you have idea's or have experinced this?

#7. Drivers side door lock. Sometimes it locks sometimes it goes down 1/2 way. Sometimes it dosn't unlock unless I hit the unlock on the remote 4-6 times while hitting the doorlock area with my fist. I've already had a new handle put on when my interior one and exterior ones broke off and I was stuck in the truck and had to "dukes of hazard" in and out for a few days. This problem is starting again...Any fixes? This was something I actually let someone fix because I didn't have time to deal with it. It was fixed like 2 years ago.

ummm yeah thats about it.

Thanks guys.

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the drivers side valve cover can be done no problem without removing the lower. the center console, do u mean the cover or what? if its just the cover, take it apart and take it to an upholstry shop, i got mine done for $20 in black vinyl. check for bearings in the rear (like carrier bearings) and the front, there are bearings right inside the diff itselfs on the front, right behind the axle seal. as far as the heat, check you heater hoses (when the heat isnt working) and see if one is hot and one is cold, if thats the case you prob have a blockage in your cooling system. go here for wheel spacers, they are 1.25" tho and as far as the door lock goes, u need to get a new latch or a new actuator, u will have to look and see which one is actually bad.

Thanks for the link on the spacers.

You got the 5.0 man, that thing is a piece of cake to do valve cover gaskets on!

If the rear is whining then whoever did your gears/bearings did it wrong. It will need a new pinion bearing and crush collar as well as all your tolerances checked again..

Do you have climate control or the plain ol' hot/cold knob on your Ex? if it's climate control then I'd look at the module, they are infamous for going bad.

The digital climate control.

I know they're cake to work on. I built my 347. :) The problem is time...Trying to debate if all this is worth it.

none of that seems that major to me, i'd fix it and keep it.

About all the groaning and roaring that your truck makes. How many miles are on the tires that you have on there? I would almost guess that the tires are cupping and making a roaring/groan sound. Have the alignment checked, rotate the tires and see if the pitch/sound of the noise moves or changes. If it does then the tires are the cause of the noise. Explorers from what I have experienced are notorious for cupping tires and giving a rough ride and getting noisy once they become badly cupped.

My tires became cupped so bad because of an alignment issue that I let go for so long that I had to buy new tires with over half the treadlife still on the tire.
