Little things that need to be fixed on your Ex... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Little things that need to be fixed on your Ex...


Well-Known Member
December 10, 2002
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City, State
East Lansing, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 XLT
Ok with all the threads about how many miles you have on your Explorer and what not, I thought it would be interesting to find out what needs to be fixed on everyone's Explorer but just haven't had the time, or haven't gotten around to it yet.

Ill start, I have a 1995 Explorer Limited and here is what I need to do:

1) Figure out why the sunroof it squeaking while open.
2) Put rear lift gate trip panel back on.
3) Fix passenger side sock.
4) Replace belt tensioner someday.

Things that are WAY down the list:

1) Replace rear recliner mechanism so the 60 part can fold down without a screwdriver.
2) Replace stock speakers.
3) Get a class IV hitch.

So how about you guys? I know that you have things that you need to fix but haven't gotten around to it yet.

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for me, the things i have to fix is-
-constant misfiring cylinder 4
-new speakers and CD deck
-new transmission rebuild
-new tires
-or just a whole new truck:D

for me, the things i have to fix is-
-constant misfiring cylinder 4
-new speakers and CD deck
-new transmission rebuild
-new tires
-or just a whole new truck:D

Man, I thought I had it bad. ;) :p:
My truck, which I tried to sell but to no avail, needs the following:
-New tensioners and timing chain cassettes (front AND rear :eek: )
-New PCV
-New seat recliner (passenger side)
-paintless dent repair on passenger rocker panel (covered by tupperware)
-2-3 " body lift
-33" BFGs

Figure if I can't sell it, why not build it up.

Oh God, let's see....

- Fix faulty fuel injector
- Get rid of EGR and O2 codes
- Get transmission shifting right
- Replace RA bushings
- Replace the damn rattling shocks
- Replace front axle shaft u-joints
- Fix rear bumper
- Fix rocker panels
- Recharge A/C
- Sell it and get something with better mileage :confused:

For me

-Blower Motor Resistor
-Run power to the power lumbar front seats I put in
-lube or grease hatch door opener
-get someone to weld my rear seat captain chairs brackets

I have a 93 w/ about 165k miles, for me
-replace both interior rear door handles
-fix a/c system
-replace rusted out rear spring shackle
-weld the heat shield back to my muffler
-figure out why my new pads and rotors squeek
-swap 4.0 for 5.0

2000 V8 with 93k

-Fix exhaust leak
-Replace rear brake light bulb
-Figure out why my HID intermittently works.
-Time for Plugs/Wires
-Change PCV valve(fun fun!)
-Belt is looking very worn(possible tensionor/idler issues)
-Shocks have seen better days
-Re-dye Taurus seats

Its been neglected for some time now, if I'm keeping it looks like some stuff needs to get done!

2000 XLS with 135K

-install tranny cooler
-new rotors
-recharge ac

Tommorrow is the day!

Tranny flush and fill
Diff flush and fill
Aux Tranny Cooler and Gauge
Bend front bumper back in place
Fix both rear door latches
Change lower unit oil in boat
Replace steering wheel

2001 Sport 79,738 miles on it

to many to list

I know that when I hit the "Submit Reply" button. I'm going to Jinx myself.

Everything Works @ 124,000

Lower ball joints
Outer tie rods
Sand and repaint side steps

I am trying to wait untill I can do the TT, AAL & shackles. So I don't waste $ on tires to take them off again and waste an alignment.

98 XLT 100,000 miles

Buy new leaf springs along with AAL's
Buy and install armrest
Change all Tranny and diffs to Synthetic
Plugs and Wires
Flush and fill antifreeze
Install a aux tranny cooler
Get rid of these craptastic, dinky Goodyear wrangler tires
Begin the lifting process

Broken air lumbar
Swaybar to frame bushings
Armrest could use new vinyl.

01 Sport 120k miles

-Replace shocks (still have the originals in there :eek:)
-Replace swaybar bushings
-Fix a tear in my leather seat (if anyone knows how please let me know haha)
-Little rust forming on the inside of the hatch needs to be dealt with
-Brake pads need to be replaced soon
-Tune-Up (injector cleaner, seafoam, plugs and wires)

Runs great, just needs a little TLC to get it in tiptop shape.

330,ooo km and all that is missing is one rear swaybar bushing

'98 explorer 4X4 OHV 115,000 miles

1. fix driver side seat frame.... broke while driving
2. find out why my od light keeps going off and wont come back on unless truck is turned off
3. figure out low hum off and on while driving
4. fix the damn brakes yet again...rear
5. replace shocks....still original, still drives fine tho
6. get better tires with TT and aal
7. fix all the dang scratches on her
8. fix the crack in my windsheild
9. pray that my car doesnt quit on me until at least tax time next year

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2000 XLT with 99K

-Install ham radio w/ remote mounted head
-Install sub/amp (currently floating around trunk)
-Install new speakers
-Fix rattle under the hood (probably the alternator)
-Fix rattling heat shields
-Fix scratch on rear R quarter/dent on front R quarter
-Troubleshoot the @#$% R puddle light
-Lift shackles
-Complete conversion to LED lamps throughout
-Replace driver's seat cushion

Those are the short term things... so far nothing major has gone wrong except the intake o-rings
