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LMC Truck body parts


Well-Known Member
February 19, 2009
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City, State
Monroe, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 exploder sport 4x4
Ok so I have a 91 sport and I have this terrible body rot goin on under the door and spread back to the front side of the rear quarters. Ive gone to LMC truck and they dont offer anything for the sport or navajo. Im wondering if anyone knows if the Bronco II is the same part in that spot. basically the rocker panel back to the front of the rear wheel well. I need to know if they are different in length. I know that the rocker is a seprate part from the frontal rear quarter. Im SO DAMN TIRED OF RUST!!!!


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somebody posted a link to a site a bit ago, but i lost the link it had full sides on the page at great prices, i will look and see if i can find it again,

Thank you corkey but that was the exact same thing I found at LMC. The rear quarter on that site is the 4 dr version. Wont work. The angle in the corner is different. I wouldnt be able to close the doors. Thank you tho.

Also useless. All they cover in the way of the 2dr Sport is 2001-2003.

I think I probably should've started this thread in the bodywork area of this forum. Im begining to think that nobody makes what Im looking for. Which is kind of narrow sighted on their part. I know Ive seen other 91 Sports and Navajo's with the exact same rust areas. You'd think Ford would've done a recall on them. As they all seem to rust the exact same way.

Im sure I'll find the answer to htis question. Im gonna head over to the Pull 'n' Steal today and take some measurments off a Bronco II. Maybe they share the same part and thats why I cant find it. (shrug)

THanks for trying guys.:)

Also useless. All they cover in the way of the 2dr Sport is 2001-2003.

I think I probably should've started this thread in the bodywork area of this forum. Im begining to think that nobody makes what Im looking for. Which is kind of narrow sighted on their part. I know Ive seen other 91 Sports and Navajo's with the exact same rust areas. You'd think Ford would've done a recall on them. As they all seem to rust the exact same way.

Im sure I'll find the answer to htis question. Im gonna head over to the Pull 'n' Steal today and take some measurments off a Bronco II. Maybe they share the same part and thats why I cant find it. (shrug)

Thanks for trying guys. :)

I'm searching for the same patch but no one seems to make it. I'm looking through junkyards for panels I can cut off another truck.

There was a post about a canadian company that had those. I´ll see if I can find it

Awesome thanks in advance.

Perhaps we 2 door explorer people should deluge companies like LMC, Jeff's Bronco Graveyard and Wild Horses with requests/demands for these parts to be reproduced. If they don't now there is a demand they will never make them.

Agreed! Ive been thinking the same thing lately. Ive been looking and looking and the only thing I can come up with is an entire quater panel. Ford doesnt even make em anymore and salvage yards want 600 or more per side for used ones!
Its like,
Well you've got a little cancer in your foot, were gonna have to take the whole leg. Stupid!
Maybe what we shhould do is start like a petition. get a form letter together and have a bunch of sport owners with this problem sign or chime in and send that to LMC or Raybuck. They have to know there would be a demand before they invest in tooling.

There was a post about a canadian company that had those. I´ll see if I can find it

I PMed the guy that said he had them a few days ago and have not gotten a response. I have a 2nd gen sport and the same goes here, the parts just are not made.
Try to contact some local body shops, they may have wholesale vendors who have them.

My body-shop had to fab one about 8 years ago. All told cost 800 installed and painted and has since rusted out. I thought about buying used rear doors from a 4 door and cutting the lower rear portion of the skins to make patchs but I don't want a "Rube" solution. How do we do a survey and petition on this site to assess need and prove the market exists?

make a poll in that section of the forum,, look on the forums page,

Several places sell that rocker panel, its more so the dogleg part, which is the metal at the front of the rear fender that is hard to find, or not made at all.

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Several places sell that rocker panel, its more so the dogleg part, which is the metal at the front of the rear fender that is hard to find, or not made at all.

The site I listed above also has two dog legs listed both with different part numbers. One for 91 -2000 and one for 91 - 96.
Hope that helps.
