lock rights in an 8.8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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lock rights in an 8.8

Gary E

February 22, 2002
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City, State
Sacramento Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
87 cherokee
I am an newbie and I hope you don't boo me off the board because I have a cherokee :) I am a long time ford fan, still have my 69 mach 1.

Anyway as most of you know the explerer 8.8 is a pretty simple swap into cherokees and wranglers. So I am thinking of doing this. I currently have a lock right in my dana 35 and love it, works great off road and is not bad on road. How does the lock right hold up in an 8.8 with 33s and possibly 35s? I think the cherokee is a little lighter so that should help but what is your experiance? Should I just bite the bullet and go for the detroit?

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No the lockrite will be fine for you. I ran a similar locker (powertrax) and its been abused and it holds up great.

Nothing against cherokess either, I wheel with them alot, great vehicles.

You running 2.8 or 4.0 in that thing?

Do you think the lockright that goes in an 8.8 is larger than the ones that go in my dana, 30 or 35? I would hope they take advantage of the extra room.

4.0 auto and the good old np 231 Heres a link to my page with list of all the gory details if you're interested.
its a pretty low budget jeep but It keeps up pretty good.

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Yes I'm almost absolutely sure it does because the 8.8's carrier is larger than the 35's.

Like what you've done with the front disconnect. I plan to do the same thing on my truck.

Gary, I was just wondering how if you got the Lock Right installed in the 8.8. If so, how is it performing for you on the street? What size tires are you running?


I didn't end up getting one, the rearend I bought was supposed to be open, but ended up being a limited slip. the lockright won't go in a limited slip carrier. I rebuilt the limited slip and its not cutting it, I am very tempted to weld up the centersection:) on the street it will click and you will hear it, you will need to adjust your driving style and all your passengers will ask what that noise is, but when you go off road its all worth it!

Can someone explain to me what a "limited slip" really is, and how it functions. I know the detroit and arb are a full locker. I know what spring lockers are like the TruTrack, BUT what is a limited slip? How does it work, what makes it ingage or disengage? Does it not work if a tire is off the ground?

Can someone explain to me what a "limited slip" really is, and how it functions. I know the detroit and arb are a full locker. I know what spring lockers are like the TruTrack, BUT what is a limited slip? How does it work, what makes it ingage or disengage? Does it not work if a tire is off the ground?

Gary - thanks for the quick response.

Ron - I would not be the one to answer your question. I've just always heard limited slips being described as having clutch plates.

It is a clutch pack that translates the power to the other wheel when one wheel is spinning and slipping. Its basically two clutch packs with a s spring in the middle to apply the pressure and as the differential of speeds get higher it applys more pressure to the packs.

its good on the street but terrible at low speeds and high torque, ie rockcrawling, its better than an open rearend but not nearlly as good as a true locker.
