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Looking for suspension advice


New Member
March 16, 2010
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City, State
Coconut Creek, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Explorer
I have a 98 Ford Explorer Limited sitting in my garage that I don't use. It has a V8 that runs great so I want to use it as a play vehicle when I take my boys camping, etc. Except for the "lean" it's in great shape.

First of all it leans to one side, i've been told that the automatic air suspension system has failed. It also needs some front end work.

I would like to give the truck a little little lift (2-4"). What is the best way to go about adding a little height to the truck and replacing the shocks/springs. Can the air suspension system be bypassed by using regular shocks?..and if so, how do you get the truck level, as it leans to the drivers side, new leaf springs? I'm looking forward to any knowledge I can get so I can start this project.

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welcome, well to get the lift for very little money larger shackles and add a leafs for the back, for the front you have torsion bars all you have to do is get under the truck with the truck jacked up in the front and tighten the bolts for the torsion keys the max you can go with that is 2 inch any more is not recommended do a search for each of them I have never heard of automatic air suspension unless the limited has that feature we have Leaf springs as you know they sag after a while mine are sagging now, with the lean I also had one side leaning and what i had to do was tighten the tortion keys until i got the truck to sit straight...if its only in the back its most likely your leaf pack...hope it helps

Regular shocks will fit...The lean on the drivers side usually comes from weak leaf springs because of the extra weight on that side. The arc option leaf springs have a softer ride so you might want to replace them with standard ones when adding regular shocks. If you buy used ones make sure the drivers side doesnt already sag or lean, its very common.

thanks for the info, I've cleared out the garage, I'm going to give this a whirl

I have a knock in the front end when I stop a little fast (not always) and sometimes as I drive. I have changed the ball joints and the tie rods are solid. What else could i check?

your sag is probably because you have a blown air shock. The leaf springs are softer on the models that came with the arc system. You will probably need the shocks with springs over them to compensate for the softer springs in the back especially if your going to load it up with camping gear. I do not believe you can use the air ride function at all if you put any lift on your ex.
