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looking to get a explorer


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June 22, 2004
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Ocean City, Md
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the time has come for me to move up to a truck/suv ive got a few choices mainly jeep cheorkee, explorer or mabey an oj bronco. ive got about 5500 to spend. what are some problem areas with explorers, anything special i need to look for when iam considering it

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For 5500 you should be able to get a 2nd gen explorer which is 95 up to 2001. A 1997ish with just around 100,000 miles would be the kind of explorer you would expect to find for that price. The full size bronco would be much less fuel effieceint, but those are tough trucks. With the 2nd gen explorer watch out for issues relating to the sohc motor, however I have not personallly known anyone with a specific problem. For the price of 5500 it will just be finding the most clean truck for your money. As with a used truck it varies on how the previous owner kept up on oil changes, other fluid changes etc.
Look for one with good documentation of TLC....
my 2 cents

My '97 XLT has about 110K, and it's near immaculate...and no, you can't have it! Just to let you know, there's probably a lot of nice ones out there.

i more i find out about the jeeps the more i dislike them, the interior is so plain and old. how dose the explorers do off road? whats the advantage of AWD or 4WD

sorry for being a n00b

The 2nd gen Explorers are pretty good in 4WD.. You can easily find a 95-01 with low mileage around 70k for around $6k if not under in MD.. As a matter of fact, I saw a 97 with 63K miles for $4500 recently in Easton. I would go for a V8 model one with AWD.. The only reason I say that is because the tranny in the V6 models are a weak point, I haven't had any problems other than a blown seal in my tranny @ 130k miles but every truck is different.. the AWD models don't have a low gear like 4LO in the V6 Explorers..

there is no 4wd low with the awd, unless you are doing serious off roading you can do with out. The awd is also only available with the v8, which does not help with gas millage but you have more power for towing if you need it for that purpose. The awd is not seclectable, its always on. It comes down to preferences for most ppl on which they would rather have and what they use the truck for.
Good luck...
also I have friends with cherokees, the design is really old, goes back to 1984, the fit and finish is much less than the explorer.

looks like someone can type just faster than me...

Blee1099 said:
The 2nd gen Explorers are pretty good in 4WD.. You can easily find a 95-01 with low mileage around 70k for around $6k if not under in MD.. As a matter of fact, I saw a 97 with 63K miles for $4500 recently in Easton. I would go for a V8 model one with AWD.. The only reason I say that is because the tranny in the V6 models are a weak point, I haven't had any problems other than a blown seal in my tranny @ 130k miles but every truck is different.. the AWD models don't have a low gear like 4LO in the V6 Explorers..

trust me, i know how bad a ford v6 can be, my 1st car was a 94 mustang, at under 50k miles i had two head gaskets go up and needed one replaced as well

that car you saw in easton, do you know if its still there, iam in berlin and it may be worth the drive up there to check it out

my family had a 97 sohc go 200,000 with out any servicing to the engine, the only reason we got rid of it was because it was totaled.

I dont think a mustang v6 is easily compared to an explorer v6

one more question, whats the ride quality? ive been told its pretty rough. i mean i know this is a truck and all but is it really that bad?

98 X, 4-door, 4x4, V-6 4.0L

Mine is 1998, V-6 EFI (not the SOHC), 110,000 km on it, been reasonably lucky so far. The ride is smooth, even over curbs & bumps...barely a rattle in it, drives like I bought it yesterday. Overall, it seems like it hasn't aged EXCEPT here has been my bad luck...and it's dumb stuff like: the driver's seat metal frame broke, also, the driver's outside door handle broke. Stupid annoying and expensive little repairs...can't believe it for a car only 6 years old! Oh, and the middle console also broke...so gotta replace that too! I put the 31"x10.5 tires on it a year ago and did not change the speedo nor any gears, and so far, no problems. Reasonably quiet smooth ride, but I have GY ATS tires, heavy tread so a bit of vibration there as you feel the tread bite the ground when you slow to a stop.

an explorer its much better than a jeep, i own a 96 xlt v8 2wd its got 130k on it and it runs perfect, and let me tell u i drive it HARD, but that v8 just gotz tons of power, shifts perfect, the only thing i dont like its the fact that it gives u less miles per gallon than the v6, but im pretty sure a lot of ppl out the with a v6 would kill to have a v8...
i'v towed just bout anything with my truck and let me tell u that i can outrun almost any 4 cylinder car pulling a boat LoL just my 2 cents, u cant go wrong with an explorer after all its the best selling SUV in the world.

I just bought a 98' XLT (SOHC) with 55k on it for 7.5k a little higher in your price range...but for the lower mileage...? It looks pretty much brand new has one scratch and one little ding easily fixable. Inside is spotless and only thing I had to get was new brakes...which I haven't gotten yet cause they can wait till spring. I was also debating on Jeep, or Xplorer IMO go with the explorer I've heard the jeeps are a lot louder at high speeds and to me the interior just won't cut it... As for ride...don't expect BMW ride :D like you said it's a truck I personally like getting bounced around it's not bad but if your going down a backroad going 50ish and hit a nice little rut or little cracked road you'll feel it just more fun 2 me :)

GL finding what you want I might suggest www.autotrader.com that's where I found mine

EDIT: ** I put background instead of backroad :D **
