looking to get a pa club started! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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looking to get a pa club started!

May 19, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
pgh, pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 limited
hello everyone I am writing to try to get an explorer club started for pa. I am very intersted in trying to make this work. I would appriciate all help and feedback with this matter. thanks.

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id be instrested, i got some free time

ive tried for a while to get some runs together, no one ever comes. But im always down for something

Im in southcentral PA and would love to get out with some people sometime. Ive never done any offical trail riding just through some state game lands stuff.

From W.PA. Willing to meet up sometime.

been tryin that since '01... started out good but went downhill .... participation is the biggest thing, noone shows up to runs.... well its the second biggest thing, the first by far is drama, some people just cant shut up and wheel and have a good time..... I had runs going on every other week years ago..... did have a nice size club going on, website and all that good stuff, so I wish you the best of luck, if ya need a hand with anything or need some webspace, drop me a line.... Ill help ya out.

Correction- Willing to do street truck type things like shows and such.

thanks everyone for the input so far sorry i just got back to this just now been busy but got some spare time again. I am in the process of looking for some local spots and areas for us wheelers to go on an such if any ideas what it takes to get this running let me know please. thanks again everyone.

id be in, pry cant go on any runs or anything till spring tho, anyone else from around NW, PA, or even western pa?

sounds good ill sighn up for that but in the meantime i would still like to get a pa club started for all us more local folk.

How is this not a club? What do you want, dues or something?

We get together often to wheel, go to junkyards or just sit around and bullshit. We are all local guys, cept for this nut from maryland who alwys shows up.

id be up for meeting up with a few local explorers, my truck isnt really ready to drive more then 2hrs, im looking to find a few explorers in a junkyard(i need a few parts)

I'd be in for a PA club. I've been to some of the MD m&g's and had a great time. I'd suggest just putting together a Meet & Greet somewhere in PA. Somewhere easy enough for everyone to get to and go from there.

Ok, theres a meet and greet december 31 in Hazeltown Pa at the all you can eat chinese buffet. :D

95 offroad, it should be within 2hrs of palmarya so I spect to see you out there :p:

And theres a huge u-pull it in hazeltown and another right down the road with tons of sploders

no snowboarder dont want any dues or nothin last thing on my mind, just thought it'd be nice to get a pa club started since im sure not alot of people may want to drive far or what not.

I was just joking, but really there is already a club started, just no one else ever comes. Look back and see how many runs weve tried to get together over the past few years. Your more than welcome to join us that weekend in hazeltown, we should be having a meet and greet new years eve or new years day.

cool sounds good snowboarder id be honered to come. i have to double check as i said before about my work schedule but as i said before that should not be a prob.

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Ok, theres a meet and greet december 31 in Hazeltown Pa at the all you can eat chinese buffet. :D

95 offroad, it should be within 2hrs of palmarya so I spect to see you out there :p:

And theres a huge u-pull it in hazeltown and another right down the road with tons of sploders

Yeah Harry's U-Pull It has tons of X's. In one day pulled the front end off one to put on mine from there and cost me about $80.

So is that date a set date? I love the Jumbo China Buffet. Maybe I will be out to meet.

Also Hazleton has Paragon AP which has some nice trails to 4x4.

