Loosing the sag in my rear.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Loosing the sag in my rear..


August 10, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Staten Island , NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 V8 AWD
I have a 96' V8 AWD and have made some easy inexpensive mod's to bump up my HP. I now have my sights set on suspension. I plan on going with Edelbrock IAS shocks. I live in NYC and do alot of driving on the road. It's primarily my family vehicle. I want to smooth out the ride. What I would really like to do is get rid of the sag in my rear end when I floor it. Anyone have any suggestions?

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Sagging Rear End????

Try jogging. Or Liposuction.

Sorry about that, but I can't help you with your truck :).

Canadian humor.... eh?

How about a pair of 8.5inch Warrior Shackles? They should bring the back up about 1.5 inches. And I dont think they are that expensive... I'm guessing 80 at the most?


Re: "Loosing the Sag...."


Hellwig makes a type of overload spring (add-a-leaf) that mounts on top of the factory leaf springs. It is also adjustable and could help your sag.

and an FYI....

I just installed a set of Edelbrock IAS shocks on my 98 2wd and it helped out the slight driver's side lean to the left (probably because me and the fuel tank are on the left side). By the way, these Edelbrocks ride much better than the Bilsteins.


Here is a before and after pic of an add a leaf on my old '98

As you can see my truck (on the right) with the add a leaf does not have the tail dragger look to it anymore. Both trucks are identical and both are empty in that picture.
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