Lost Pet | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lost Pet


Explorer Addict
November 4, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Chicago, Illinois
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Limited
So Sunday afternoon happened to be beautiful and sunny, decided to walk to the lake, get a tan, read a book, etc. Figured Houdini could use some sun, so I put on his leash and we were off. He was so excited he ran on his hind legs part of the way. We got there and I clipped his leash to one of my shoes to give him some free roam. Everything as fine until it was time to go. I unhooked his leash and put on my shoe, and when I went to grab his leash, he decided to make a dash for the nearest tree. He made it up a few feet and paused, so I waited a second, not wanting to scare him into climbing further, which worked for a few seconds, but before I knew it he'd climbed another 30 feet and was more than out of reach. I walked around the tree seeing if there was a way to climb it, and when I got back he'd moved out of sight.

Now, part of me is thinking he'll have a great summer and get big and fat. And the other part is thinking, he's still got his leash on and will either get caught hanging from a tree or survive summer only to die as soon as winter comes. The chances of finding him are nill, and I can't find an city agency that deals with lost iguannas. And although I'm sure someone will notice a 4' lizzard running around, I somehow doubt anyone's gonna approach him.

Some guy saw it happen and came over and asked what it was (all he saw was me chasing moving grass.) I explained, and he asked if it was like a ferret. I told him it was a lizard and he asked if I could just pick up another one at the pet store. I must have given him some kind of wierd look because when I told him I'd had the thing for several years he said he understood and could see I'd be sad and backed off.

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aldive said:
Best of luck in finding him.

Al i was thinking of just going down to Boca and picking one up and mail it.

i know you thought about it

Charlie's_93EB said:
why do you think that you will not be able to find him/her ???

Well, although I'm sure a 4' iguana with leash would turn some heads, I doubt many people are gonna try and catch him. Besides, he's in an area with tons of trees, next to a golf course with tall grass and relatively close to a large fenced-in bird sanctuary. So he's got a ton of space to hide in. And unless his leash gets caught and strands him somewhere noticable, I doubt anyone will see him.

I've filed a police report, notified the Chicago Herpetological Society and plan on visiting Animal Control in a few days, but I can't help but be doubtfull.

That sucks man, I hate losing a pet, they are always like a part of the family. It's like having a child. My condolences.

yea that sucks, i used to have an iguana, than it bit me so we gave it away. i was only 8 or 9 so i didnt care much. hope you find it

Bummer. He wont make it thru your winter. I'd be checking the area every other day. Maybe bring is food bowl and leave it full and check it periodically. They will hang out if there is plenty of food and its warm. And if I saw him I catch him. Does he have "lizard tags"? Like dog tags, figured I ask.

I'm going to try and head over there today to see if he's around. And no, no lizard tags. Chances are he's already migrated to somewhere with water. On the other hand, it's supposed to thunderstorm for the next week, so he may not need to.

How trained is he? Or should I say how much time did you spend with him outside of his cage. I used to have one named Max and was my buddy. But its all about how much time you spent with him.

Although we've hung out together, ie I watch television he leaches heat off of me, I doubt he'll come when I call him.

The people at the Chicago Herpetological Society have been extremely nice and very helpfull. They've got a guy who visits Animal Control every few days to check on lost herps. So he's got my info and if my iguanna shows up there he'll call me. In the meantime he invited me to one of their events. I'm thinking that once I get the new place I might adopt an abandoned Iguanna from them.

I guess Max just knew his feeding dish. He'd come to the glass when I had his dish. Thats why I thought you should fill his bowl with greens and carrots etc and see if its being eaten or not???

Unfortunately Houdini doesn't have a dish. Usually just a paper plate (easier clean-up.) But I'll probably bring some food over today, check on it tomorrow. (See if he's hanging by his leash from a tree branch.)

And before anyone think's I'm being morbid, an iguana leash is basically a leather harness that fits around their chest and slips over their front legs, so if he get's stuck on a branch and falls he can hang from it in relative safety. The leash won't choke or kill him, it'll just piss him off and keep him from avoiding predators, which is the bigger problem.

whay kind of iguana is he

I would guess a Mexican green iguana.

Woody - I would post some flyers around the area in case someone sees him. I once found an iquana in my back yard - he dropped out of a tree right next to me. I didn't know where he came from and I didn't know what to do with him either so I started checking the neighborhood for the owners - I eventually found the kid who was supposed to be taking care of him. It didn't occur to me to take it to animal control at the time.

Good luck.
