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loud noise


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July 3, 2014
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2013 ford explorer
I heard a loud, humming noise in my 2013 ford explorer (eco boost),
got home, parked, car wouldn't start . Didn't leave lights on etc

Anyone had this problem or know what it could be?

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What do you mean by "wouldn't start"?

Do you have power in the vehicle? Do the lights come on, radio work, etc? Does the engine crank? Do you have adequate fuel? What was going on when the noise started?

Won't start? Or wont' crank?

Maybe a failed alternator (humming noise) and now you have a dead battery.

Welcome to the Forum cecilia.:wavey:
As indicated, a little more info may help. Does the vehicle have any power at all?
Do you hear anything when you try to start it?
Is it a Sport model or do you have the 2.0L Ecoboost? Your profile doesn't say what model you have. It would be helpful if you added that to your profile.


Where is the humming noise? Front or back? Maybe it's the fuel pump making noise becuase it is failing/failed, and your out of gas. Low fuel, no cooling effect for the pump, is hard on 'em.

I am not saying its the same issue.

However, i currently have a humming sound when i am in the 30-40mph range. It started as a low hum and now its of a higher pitch. I did have the service center look at it and they will be replacing the PTU on Wednesday. A few months ago i had a PTU seal leak which they fixed, i am guessing the two issues are linked in some way.

I heard a loud, humming noise in my 2013 ford explorer (eco boost),
got home, parked, car wouldn't start . Didn't leave lights on etc

Anyone had this problem or know what it could be?

Any news about your Explorer, cecilia? If you were able to start it again, I'd recommend swinging by your dealership so they can perform an inspection. What's the current mileage on it?


I am not saying its the same issue.

However, i currently have a humming sound when i am in the 30-40mph range. It started as a low hum and now its of a higher pitch. I did have the service center look at it and they will be replacing the PTU on Wednesday. A few months ago i had a PTU seal leak which they fixed, i am guessing the two issues are linked in some way.

Hummmmmmm. How many miles? Location? I'd suspect a wheel bearing, too. I had a right rear wheel bearing go out, but my mileage was near a 100,000.

Hummmmmmm. How many miles? Location? I'd suspect a wheel bearing, too. I had a right rear wheel bearing go out, but my mileage was near a 100,000.

The techs looked at it and said it was a bad PTU - getting it fixed tomorrow. I am at a little below 10K miles and it seems to happen on the front right or somewhere around the center front. Could it be a bad bearings and they just said a bad ptu to upsell Ford? I don't know how it works on their end. Its being replaced under warranty so no cost to me.

Could it be getting new ptu under my VIN, replace my bearings and then sell new ptu to out of warranty customer for higher price? cost of bearings is way less than ptu. Am I being to suspicious?

The techs looked at it and said it was a bad PTU - getting it fixed tomorrow. I am at a little below 10K miles and it seems to happen on the front right or somewhere around the center front. Could it be a bad bearings and they just said a bad ptu to upsell Ford? I don't know how it works on their end. Its being replaced under warranty so no cost to me.

Could it be getting new ptu under my VIN, replace my bearings and then sell new ptu to out of warranty customer for higher price? cost of bearings is way less than ptu. Am I being to suspicious?

Hi all,
Just thought I'd post my results. Here is what the techs had to say..

The whining sounds are gone - lets hope for good.


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