Low beam on driver side stop working | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Low beam on driver side stop working

:fire: 97 X Limited with driving lights - everything else works but the low beam on the drivers side (Driving lights on both sides, brights on both sides and lowbeam on passenger side.) I traced the wire back to the fuse box in the door/dash and there is no power to the 20 amp fuse there. What's my next step - HELP!

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Have you checked all other fuses? I had a similar problem and it was fuse 33 I do believe.

I thought I covered all of the fuses but I may have missed something - I'll check. Thanks.

Turn your fog lights on. Doe they work? If not, then you have a burnt Lamp Out Module.

Oh oops. I guess I missed that. I feel stupid now.:eek:

Like others said, check the fuses and if all are fine, then there's probably a problem with the LOM.

Did you get it fixed? My '96 is doing the same exact thing!


same here with my 95 limited 'cept the passenger side

For the others that have problems with just one light, check the fuses carefully, second gens have a sperate fuse for each side I believe.

check all the fuses and they were fine. any other ideas on what might be causing this to happen.

I think 96explorereddibauer has the right idea, LOM. It's something you all have in common.
Anyone tried that yet?

talked to 6 different people at my local ford dealership and not a one even know what the hell a LOM module is. I even explained the problem (over the phone) and all the infomation i had, including what i got off this forum. But they still didnt know what i was talking about. They asked i f i had replaced my headlights with the super/hyper white ones. They said that those draw more power therefore burns out the harness. Well i have replaced them with the white ones but the problem began before that, when i still had my regular headlights in there. I'm just gonna take up the trip computer and have a look see for myself.

I don't doubt that anyone would know about it. It's so rare. First, make sure your light bulb is fine. High beam mode works doesn't mean that your bulb is fine because it's a dual filament bulb. If that bulb is fine, then go after the LOM. The LOM is located right at the bottom of the message center. To take out the message center, yank it out carefully. Then turn it over and you should see the LOM on the right side of the message center. Open it up and you may see a broken solder. All you have to do is to solder it back together. Good luck!

'preciate all the info and help. I'll have to do that friday when i'm off.

What is the actual name for the "LOM" and where is this "message center"? I will call the dealership tomorrow and see if they can do the repair. This is really annoying, how it can just come and go like it is! I am totally new to these trucks, I just got my explorer a week ago, and am attempting to fix all these "bugs"



Anyone out there? I need to get this fixed before next weekend, as I will be driving along way in the dark!

Takecover, if you dont have a message center in your center console and you do have storage pockets in the console you do not have a LOM.
If your low beam is out intermitantly I would check the bulb socket and the circut and replace the fuse even if it looks good. I assume you have changed the bulbs so you know they are good. Is it just one light or both. If both its probably the multi-function (turn signal) switch gone bad.

Bill Kemp said:
Takecover, if you dont have a message center in your center console and you do have storage pockets in the console you do not have a LOM.
If your low beam is out intermitantly I would check the bulb socket and the circut and replace the fuse even if it looks good. I assume you have changed the bulbs so you know they are good. Is it just one light or both. If both its probably the multi-function (turn signal) switch gone bad.

I do have the message center display. The bulb sockets look great, I have checked them as well as all the fuses. When my passenger headlight goes out, I loose my drivings lights. A day or so later, they will all be working again! Another wierd deal is the back lighting for the "Econony, Range", etc. buttons is only half lit up when all the lights work. Sometimes when my passenger headlight is out, all the buttons are illuminated. Thanks for your input.


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Tonedeaf, did you have any luck yet?
