lowering a 98 X | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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lowering a 98 X


New Member
January 29, 2002
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'98 X sport
i have a 98 x sport and was wondering the best way to lower it. i want a 4" drop all around and am not too sure what the best way to do it is. thanks for your help

check out the thread "new way to lower the front end" in the explorer sport trucks area.

a four inch drop is going to take a little creativity to maintain good ride quality so be prepared to have to do some thinking and spend some cash. if you post it over in the sport truck area we will probably be your best bet for help. after you read through that thread please post and do a search on lowering please post any specific questions you still have over there.

one more thing-- the best way to do it is with a custom air bag system. if you have the money, just go to a shop that can do that for you and get it done.
