Magnaflow universal muffler | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Magnaflow universal muffler


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December 11, 2012
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2003 explorer xlt
Hey guys, so i just recently got my first car, I didn't want a civic, or a small fuel efficient hatch, I got me an '03 explorer, keeping it american :usa: I plan on doing a few mods including new wheels, HIDs maybe lift it and a magnaflow muffler. I need help picking out a muffler. I want to get a universal muffler but don't know the dimensions so i'm unsure which one to buy, can someone help me out? Magnaflow universal muffler, 2003 explorer xlt, thanks a million! (I'll try installing this myself if not go to a shop in town) :)

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Magnaflow makes a catback exhaust kit which will increase horsepower and torque, and sounds great too. Great rumble and no drone. You can install it yourself in your driveway using nothing but handtools in about half an hour. I have it and I love it.

but a whole exhaust kit is gonna be expensive, no? I know the muffler is gonna br around 100 bucks with labor

Yeah, it's around $225.

225 isnt bad for thee whole thing. Myy Muffler andd tipp installed wass 150

Yeah, I think I am just going to go with a universal muffler. What are the dimensions?

Of the universal? I have no idea.

I just installed the cat back magnaflow on my 2002 xls, I would recommend going to your local ford dealer and buying new spring bolts and new doughnut gasket. I paid $400 shipped for the exhaust from ebay the exhaust has the nice tip if you just do a muffler you keep that bootleg tail pipe......Spring for it.....GL

I just installed the cat back magnaflow on my 2002 xls, I would recommend going to your local ford dealer and buying new spring bolts and new doughnut gasket. I paid $400 shipped for the exhaust from ebay the exhaust has the nice tip if you just do a muffler you keep that bootleg tail pipe......Spring for it.....GL

19 year old college freshman here... unfortunately i'm on a budget :(
