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Make Fun of Ricers Here if You Haven't Got Anything Useful To Say

I got a friend who drives a dodge pickup with a 6" susp. lift and 36" and absolutly hates the ricer crowd. To make fun of them he bought a dodge spirit and put red racing stripes on it (red duct tape), Underbody neons (christmas lights), and one huge friggin wing (plywood not painted). It looked funny as hell. Kind of a hillbilly ricer. Oh yah he put a Folger's coffee can on his tailpipe to top it of. The ricer crowd hates him sooo bad. I love it :D

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Let the Homies show you how to hook up your Honda. Dead Link Removed :D

excellent show. be interesting when he takes it to the street races :australia

Would this give a ricer more hp?

I came across this, and thought that maybe in those ricers' twisted minds that maybe this too will give them more HP while bumpin' down the road.

Click here.

Oh yeah, that'll deffinately make it go faster, the only thing better than "naws" is a fake bottle that is really a subwoofer.

hahaaha. i think its actually pretty cool! if i had a 400 dollar honda civic, with a 5000 dollar set of rims on it, that thing would definitely find its way under the hatch back.

My friend put one in his mustang. He wanted a little more bottom end in his music so instead of a regular bass tube he installed one of these. It kind of matches the car considering it has a built 351 with a vortech blower under the hood, 9 inch rear, weld drag lite wheels, and other go fast goodies.

I wonder what peoples reaction would be if they saw that on a lifted X

Originally posted by Crazy5711
I wonder what peoples reaction would be if they saw that on a lifted X

Their eyes bug out :D

You could put a rotten banana in the passenger seat of an import, and the HP difference would be phenominal

I think the biggest hp gain would be by putting it on a trailer and having a truck tow it.

When I worked at Circuit City part-time we actually had someone come in and buy one of those. He was the ONLY person who had ever bought one in the 2 years the store had been there.

He had a Civic with a GReddy turbo kit and nitrous on it, with two real NOS bottles in the back, so he put the subwoofer bottle between the two.

My buddy owns a stereo shop in Va Beach, and he sells them. I took one and put it on this display and hooked it up. It doesn't sound too bad for just 1 8" speaker. We have had a lot of people (mainly ones with ricers) come in and see it. You should see their eyes bugg and exclaiming, "Man, you sell nitrous too!!!"

Ricer's gone wild video, this is funny

I saw this on and thought everyone here would like it.

Ricers gone Wild, Very Funny (21 words) #268036
it's 15.5 MB but it's halarious

That was BEYOND great! :p

I love the guy who pulls the donut in the intersection with the cop watching! :D

too funny.Some of that has been on here before.

Originally posted by diablo5969
I love the guy who pulls the donut in the intersection with the cop watching! :D
Thats sooooo funny. Great video.

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Thats hilarious...The one where both the ricers stall, great. There was a couple that i didnt know what was going on. Like when they were racing the bmw
