Manual hubs and my crappy off road centers opinion | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Manual hubs and my crappy off road centers opinion

What lockouts do you run?

  • Milemarkers

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • Warn

    Votes: 14 66.7%
  • other-please list below

    Votes: 2 9.5%

  • Total voters


Other Make & Models Mod
Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
February 16, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
43°48′48″N 91°13′59″W
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 4 do'
Well I want to know what everybodys got. I bought a set of Milemarkers from autozone, accidently sheared the center washer when installing(dont know how) so I head to the offroad center who stocks those things. Upon purchase the owner gets in my face about buying Milemarkers saying their hubs are the biggest pieces of crap(a quote was that if he took them to the mechanics in back to install them that they would throw them back at him) and I should have bought Warns from him because he only stocks quality parts and his prices reflect. I then tell him I have read articles where tests of the Warns vs. Milemarkers showed similar results and he then tells me those tests are all being paid off by the company that advertises, then tells me that the internet is full of false information about quality of products ever. Then this guy has the nerve to tell me He gives me all this advice when I stop in to pick of little convenience stuff, and I am obligated to pay more money buying his crap rather than save about 30% ordering online because it ticks him off that I never buy anything big from there. Well he's right, money is money, and I will save. Their called an offroad center but he will not sell any lift kit but Rancho, was possibly gonna sell me a superlift, but refused to look at skyjacker. As you can see I dont like this place and they obliviously dont like me. Well, I wheel with plenty of people who all say this place sucks, and they refuse to go in there. Their gig has gone from installing lifts to installing runningboards and wheelchair lifts, and they cant realize that things have changed in the last 30 years from when they were interested in the sport. Sphffffff. Okay, I'm done, off soapbox, now do the milemarkers really suck, cause I suppose I could send them back.

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I bought the Warn's 'cause I was in a bind. But I'm a little surprised and uneasy about all the plastic these things seem to be made of. The auto hubs that I replaced had hit a lot of rocks and showed a lot of damage. I hope the Warn's can take it.

i probably read some of the same reviews as you, cause when i do go to replace my auto's it will be with MM's, warn is a great standard, but they haven't really changed much over the year's, from the reviews it would seem that MM has taken a good base knock off and made a few well thought out changes. also i know what you are saying about local shops gettin upity, i went yesterday and had my exhaust installed, and the store manager gave me a hard time about it when i picked it up, saying "you know i could have saved you money on that system, thanks for doing business w/ us", (but when i started the hunt for an exhaust he didn't want to help me with different choices). so i told him "i paid $175 for my system, what could you have done", he sat down played on the computer, then the calculator, and proudly said "i could have given it to you for $150", i thanked him and pulled out my bill from summit showing $104 delivered to my door. (priceless)
this is one of the review's i read:

OUCH! on the muffler guy.

Well, all I can say, is it seems as tho the warns are a very common standard with explorers... I got em, and have no complaints about them

I'm gonna join Pete on this one. I've got Warns on mine and I have tagged alot of rocks and they still lock and un-lock without a problem. But what am I saying??? Its your choice but if ya want my opinion on it, I say go with Warn.

just so i'm not misunderstood, i like warn', i've used them on my scout II and my dodge power wagon with no problems, i was just saying that i like some of the changes that i've read about in the mm's, if the warns were the same price i'd probably wouldn't have even looked around.:D

CHANGE MY VOTE. I vow never to buy a cheaper product again It is obliviously worth every penny more(in most cases) I blew a milemarker on some Pussy wheelin. It was a joke. Autozone is still my favorite auto store, as they took back their defective product and gladly gave me my money back, and then I went to the offroad shop to buy the warns for like $155 so that A-hole can be happy. Boy I cant wait until the load of Sh*t that I will throw in his face if my warns now do as little as turn too stiff(J/K) but it would be funny to make him eat his words at some point in time. Really though, the warn does seem to lock easier, make less noise, all around seems to be a stronger hub. I hope I have better luck with them

You may have noticed the Warn and Milemarker hubs are exactly the same - EXACTLY. I have both - I too blew a MM, but it took a pretty solid jolt. MM has a lifetime warranty on their hubs, so I sent it to them and they are sending me a new on. I plan on using the MM's as my main hub and the Warn's as my backups. I looked at these things over and over and there is nothing I could see that was different. For the $40 extra for the Warn's, I can't justify spending the dough...


Hmmmmmm, Jon, the warns inside looked different from what I had. They also engaged much easier. The difference is the piece that was cracked on my milemarkers was completely different than the splines on my Warns. I took them back all together and am so far satisfied with my Warns.

i'm thinking about replacing my auto hubs now. the left side doesnt like to engage right away. is there a cheap place online that i can order either of those hubs?

Both of my auto hubs were making a lot of clicking noises and wouldn't always engage, so about a year and a half ago I put in a set of Spicer manual hubs. They have held up great and have had no problems. I think I got mine for $60 a piece from Universal Joint Sales (Now Fleetpride, a full size truck sales company).
