manual transmission camshaft | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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manual transmission camshaft


Active Member
September 13, 2008
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City, State
greenville, south carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 explorer 4x4
my donor engine had a manual transmission and my truck is an auto. i would prefer to just use the cam from the donor engine since it would be easier. i understand the manual trans cam may have an advanced timing to it. what effect would this have on my auto shifting? the only thing i could think is that it may shift sooner since my a4ld goes by engine vacuum. anyone have experience with this?

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Dill, actually I do. I have also read where some folks thinks it would make a difference, and others say it doesn't. I recently just rebuilt and overhauled my motor, and the donor engine came from a 5-speed ranger, where as my explorer is an auto. I reused the manual spec cam from the ranger with the auto tranny in my explorer, and noticed no difference. If anything, i noticed it pulled a bit harder around the 3000 rpm area, BUT tha could be just because I had a newly rebuilt motor :D

To me, it didn't make a difference. But definitely no harsh or ill effects.

If you are willing to swap cams, is a new cam and related parts not in the budget?


I think hes just trying to save the extra bucks by not breaking into the engine to swap out the cams.

Dill, actually I do. I have also read where some folks thinks it would make a difference, and others say it doesn't. I recently just rebuilt and overhauled my motor, and the donor engine came from a 5-speed ranger, where as my explorer is an auto. I reused the manual spec cam from the ranger with the auto tranny in my explorer, and noticed no difference. If anything, i noticed it pulled a bit harder around the 3000 rpm area, BUT tha could be just because I had a newly rebuilt motor :D

To me, it didn't make a difference. But definitely no harsh or ill effects.

awesome reply! i am so glad that you have first hand experience with this because it was kinda stressin me out.

my current engine i am running is a pos. it was driven with water in the oil and with no oil at all for a little bit too. i do not want to use any parts out of it because i am sure they are in bad shape.
