Mazda Millenia | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mazda Millenia


Elite Moderator Intoxicator
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September 2, 2000
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00 Excursion (THE BUS)
What if anything can you folks tell me about them... I'm still on the car search for my wife... These things look really comfy and roomy, and their resale value SUCKS bigtime... So thats good for me being a buyer right...

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It is if you want a pre-owned one. :D Of course resale sucks on it it is a Ford. Well, close enough anyway.

Heath, my brother has 2 of them. Actually the y are mazda 626's but it is the same car with out the leather :) His 97 is really nice and has been a great car, v6, loaded. His 2001 is bare bones so to speak, 4cyl no options. The 2001 has went through 2 trannys and countless other small things all in under 36000 miles. I think his 97 is a nice car with great power and pretty comfortable. I know this sounds like a sales pitch but he is trying to sell his 97 right now. You should come take a look at it ;) He is only asking pay off :) :) :) Naw aside from the sales pitch they seem to be a decent car if you are into family type cars ;)

Actually the 626 and the Millenia aren't the same car... The Millenia is the replacement for the 929... What does he owe on his 97 626??? I guess basically what does he want for it???

Millenias are nice. My dad was about to get one until he sat in the back seat. It has no space at all!! The engine is peppy and very smooth. Try to get the S moel because it has the Miller cycle engine because it's supercharged...if I remeber correctly.

Well, the two responses I got over on Mazdaworld were that if they could do it again they wouldn't buy the car... So I guess I'll axe that one from the running unless I start getting some killer remarks over there...

I will say they have some pretty neat guages, I like the ones of that style, not sure what its called, but you cant see them when the car is off, then when you start the car they like light up and you can see them...
