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Merc Mountaineer leaf springs

No, springs.

It is my understanding that one is better off getting shackles fabbed, the Ford ones are of rather thin construction.

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alright it is all back together. i was unable to change them :( i got the driver side lower bolt out and the passenger side upper bolt out. but the other two bolts are rusted in. sigh
so i put new bolts into the open spots to avoid the problems when i go at it again. i am not sure how to get them out though. they are pretty well seized and i only have a dremel with a cutting wheel, no sawz-all or angle grinder.
at least it is back together though. if anyone is local, i will be willing to pay some to cut those bolts out.
either that, or anyone have any advice? i did discover that with the top bolt out, i can use a scissor jack between the frame and leaf to lower the shackle below the muffler, maling it easier to whack with the sledge!

alright it is all back together. i was unable to change them :( i got the driver side lower bolt out and the passenger side upper bolt out. but the other two bolts are rusted in. sigh
so i put new bolts into the open spots to avoid the problems when i go at it again. i am not sure how to get them out though. they are pretty well seized and i only have a dremel with a cutting wheel, no sawz-all or angle grinder.
at least it is back together though. if anyone is local, i will be willing to pay some to cut those bolts out.
either that, or anyone have any advice? i did discover that with the top bolt out, i can use a scissor jack between the frame and leaf to lower the shackle below the muffler, maling it easier to whack with the sledge!
Happened to my Sport, though it was the upper so I couldn't swap in the shackles I wanted to, just change the leafs.

JIm, consider renting the tools you need to get the job done...

what should i rent? just an angle grinder, cut the head of the bolt and whack at it from the opposite side?
one thing i wouldn't mind geyting would be an air hammer to pound it that way. however i only have a one gallon compressor. is there an electric version like there is for impact wrenches? i am familiar with hammer drills, but do not think that would do anything as it is really only adding toruqe.

A torch to heat up the steel around the shackle/bushing to expand and "crack" the bolt loose. Then a punch and good sized hammer.

I do these all day long, you need an air hammer and heat, that s the ONLY way they will ever come apart.

I do not use a torch however, we have a mini-ductor at work and I use it constantly!!

It is magical there is no other way to describe it, look it up online and it plugs into any standard outlet

Those look cool, what kind of temperatures are you looking at?

Alright, I put an add up on craigslist and got a guy to do them for $50 a side. We got the passenger side done (shackle, lower bushing) but had such a hard time replacing the lower bushing, left the top one in place. The driver side was a no go. It does not make any sense, but we could not break the bolt loose. It almost seems as if it is welded on! We talked about just cutting the head off the bolt and torching the bushing to get it out (thats how we got the other one done) but I do not have a upper rubber portion bushing to replace it. So anyone know where to get one? I just got the metal tube bushing for the top, entire piece for lower.

The driver side shackle is in better shape than the passenger, so I will gather the parts I want to replace over the summer (leaf springs, shackle bushing, brake line that is rusted out) and get it all done early fall.

Now onto that pesky ac problem. I will do another post for that one.

Thanks for the help all!
