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Merc Mountaineer leaf springs


Well-Known Member
April 1, 2012
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New Britain, CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mercury Mountaineer
First of all, my first post! yay!

So we get a oil change on the wifes mountaineer and the guy says the leaf springs and shackles need replacement. Only be a couple hundred for them to do it as it is a several hour job if I bring the parts in. Yeah right, another shop wanted 600 to do my front struts in my lumina and I didn't let them get away with that!

While I don't do my own oil changes, I take their free diagnosis while under there and learn how to do things myself. I have already done her brakes and have replaced the open door sensors. Soon I have to figure out her heat /ac problem (maybe blend door fix) and replace a door handle I ripped off and I have to replace the upper direction temp display unit (not working) and sure enough her stereo does not display but she has a xm receiver, so no big deal.

Now I have sourced the shackles at about 30 each from Napa and the install looks insanely simple as long as I use a can of PB wrench on it, but are the leaf springs really all that important? We only see a sag right now and the ride feels ok. There does not seem to be cracks or anything. I don't mind doing them, just that we are looking at about 300 for them. I can get a pair used from a junkyard for a hundred total but that is minus the hardware. The shackles are peeling apart and rusting so this looks like a job next weekend.

So can the leaf springs wait a few months if there is only some sag? Not sure how much as we bought it used a year ago and it looks the same as it did then to us.


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Leafs have normal wear. The Driver, and gas tank just happen to be on the same side, you can either get junk yard ones, buy new ones($$$), or you can speak to the people at your local suspension shop, and get them re arched. Re arched is the cheapest option. My leaf, and shackles was very easy, But watch out their heavy. I suggest getting some Monroe Sensatrack shocks to help with the sag, but yea it can wait. I see A LOT of Explorers driving around with the lean so you have nothing to worry about.

thanks for the reply. after looking through the forum last night, i saw how to fix the navigational temp disply. so i fixed that this evening in 20 min! 1 down!
i will be showing the springs to someone tomorrow who will tell me if the sag is all that bad, didn't know they could be re-arched. this guy did mention i could maybe do a helper bar. he will tell me more tomorrow. in the meantime, i started to liquid wrench the shackles and got them from napa. thats a project for sunday looks like.

thanks for the reply. after looking through the forum last night, i saw how to fix the navigational temp disply. so i fixed that this evening in 20 min! 1 down!
i will be showing the springs to someone tomorrow who will tell me if the sag is all that bad, didn't know they could be re-arched. this guy did mention i could maybe do a helper bar. he will tell me more tomorrow. in the meantime, i started to liquid wrench the shackles and got them from napa. thats a project for sunday looks like.

The top bolt may be rusted in bushing. Throw some penetrating oil on it, and let it sit, and give it a few whacks with a hammer. That may be the only thing that will give you trouble.

You can get them re-arched, but they will be right back again in about 1 year. You need to add a leaf

You can get them re-arched, but they will be right back again in about 1 year. You need to add a leaf


iirc pro-comp makes a relatively affordable AAL kit. I was going to have it installed in my '97, but then I opted to sell it and pick up my current '01.

Me personally, if you have to do AAL's and Shackles, do warrior shackles, the AAL, and then TT the front and get some extra height :D.

I would not bother with the Pro-Comp leafs; go to a good suspension shop and have them make one up for you.

I would not bother with the Pro-Comp leafs; go to a good suspension shop and have them make one up for you.

Suspension shops must be cheap by you...

Bag it. Auto zone,O-Rielies $250. Takes 2hours tops. It will self level .

I say go to the junk yard .I got a set for $50 and they even pulled them for me.not too of a job. Just hit it a few times with pb blaster a few days leading up to your big fix. I also added the pro comp leaf just to give it some height but it's not necessary if you are trying to keep it stock. I recommend getting new bushings bc mine were busted while you are at it.good luck

I just installed Monroe 58617's Sensa-Trac Load Adjusting Shock Absorbers in the back of my 2000 Mountaineer. The original shocks had 120K on them so I figured it was time! I was amassed at how well the helper springs on these shocks lifted the rear of the truck. It’s at least 2“ higher and I’m very pleased with the ride.

I got them from Amazon for $90, free shipping.

I have the shackles in hand and will be attempting those come Sunday depending on weather. I picked up a 2 ton hydraulic jack and a 2 foot pry par to go along with my usual tools. I have hit it with liquid wrench for 3 nights now, and will spray all four bolts each night until repair. I figure the cost of a bottle is cheap compared to bruised knuckles and cursing.
I have a call into a junk yard who is pulling a set of springs with 98k on them and will call back and let me know if they are even good. My buddy looked at the springs and said they are shot. I have considered AAL kits, but at that point, may as well just replace them.
I may however put that off for a bit since it is only ride comfort and not much safety concern. Wait till end of summer and put the cash aside for new springs, and new shocks at the same time.
I will keep you all up to date on how it goes.
Thanks everyone for the tips

so i started this afternoon. i got all 4 bolts off the shackles and the top passenger side bolt is out. the lower driver side bolt is half out. i hit everything again with liquid wrench and woll get back to it tomorrow. i did notice that differing heights on the jack helped.
any suggestions on best way to get everything out? and is there a trick to the bushings and getting it all back together? the video i saw online showed everything slipping right in and out but doubt it will be that easy!

Haven't messed with one for years, but I seem to recall using the oxy-acetylene to heat one up and drive the bolt out with a punch.

is there any way to keep the whole assembly from sagging and throwing the bolt hole out of alignment? i have a jack stand on the frame in front of each tire and a jack under the wheel hub. but when i removed the jack, everything moved easier. should i put the frame up higher? the tire is just barely off the ground

Jacking it to the point where there is little pressure on the bolt will help. There are some great posts here on shackles and I would do a search. I recall others had the same problems

LMC Truck has them for $100 a side.

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How do suspension shops re-arch the springs?
