Message Center Alarm - Can it be turned off?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Message Center Alarm - Can it be turned off??


New Member
February 4, 2014
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2005 ford explorer
I keep getting check charging system warning with a annoying beep. On a 9 mile trip it went off over a 100 times. I have had 3 different mechanics look at it in the past and could not find anything wrong. My battery charge level has not changed in the past 8 months, so its being charged and maintaining the charged. Is there a way to turn the annoying beep off or a wire I can cut?

Hello new member!

You can run a test of the message center and then clear the fault code.

Turn the key on. (do not start engine)

Press and hold SETUP and RESET Message Center buttons.

The display will read TEST.

Then press the reset button to advance through each step of the test.

You will see the speedometer and other gauges move and light up as you go.

At the end of the test any error codes will be displayed.

Then hold the RESET button until the display turns off to clear the error codes.

Done. :D

Oh, you may want to write down the codes in case the problem persists.
