Might be the silliest question ever but... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Might be the silliest question ever but...


June 18, 2013
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2000 xlt
...am I missing a bolt here? Lol


In my quest to find out why my Ex squeals at start up I started poking around the engine bay checking out the belt, pullies and and noticed that. It might be nothing but isnt there supposed to be a bolt there?

More pics: (btw if anyone spots anything else that needs to be brought to my attn I appreciate it :D )



Thanks guys. Always appreciate the feedback here whether I ask for it myself, or find the answer in someone elses thread.

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No, What spot concerns you?

Belt squeal at startup indicates the alternator is working hard. Check the condition of the belt. Probably needs a new belt as the old one is glazed. Also check the battery voltage before starting the engine. Battery could be not completely charged, causing alternator to work hard.

Nope that's just a tapped hole. I asked the exact same question on here for the same reason a year or so ago lol. I still have yet to find the culprit of my squeal though. Getting close to replacing all of the pulleys... Good luck on yours.

No, but you may have a screw loose bwahahahaha.

Squeal on start up is likely a glazed belt and or weak belt tensioner.
Replace both and chuck the old ones in the back as spares and call it good.

Check for operation of any idler pulleys, make sure they spin properly and check the condition of the AC clutch pulley. When I pulled my AC pulley off it came off in all it's component pieces.

Thanks for the replies everyone. Really appreciate it. Nice to know there's a place you can have your questions answered, no matter how crazy they might be :D

No, What spot concerns you?

The tapped hole lol.

Belt squeal at startup indicates the alternator is working hard. Check the condition of the belt. Probably needs a new belt as the old one is glazed. Also check the battery voltage before starting the engine. Battery could be not completely charged, causing alternator to work hard.
Sweet thanks for the response. Yea the belt what I think it is the most. Im gonna swap it out for a Gatorback and hope that remedies the start up squeal. I mean I can live with it the few minutes it lasts, but dont wanna risk it if the belt is actually bad and gonna go.

Might do the battery too, why the hell not lol.

Nope that's just a tapped hole. I asked the exact same question on here for the same reason a year or so ago lol. I still have yet to find the culprit of my squeal though. Getting close to replacing all of the pulleys... Good luck on yours.
Thnks for stepping forward and admitting it haha. Yea after the belt the pullies are what I think it is. Might change the idler and/or tensioner while changing the belt.

No, but you may have a screw loose bwahahahaha.

Squeal on start up is likely a glazed belt and or weak belt tensioner.
Replace both and chuck the old ones in the back as spares and call it good.

Check for operation of any idler pulleys, make sure they spin properly and check the condition of the AC clutch pulley. When I pulled my AC pulley off it came off in all it's component pieces.
Hey, haaaad to ask man :D Thanks for the response. I'll check out the belt and pullies.
