Misfiring/shuddering on accel/decel | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Misfiring/shuddering on accel/decel


October 12, 2015
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1999 Mountie
I have an odd shuddering issue.

My 99 AWD 5.0 Merc is shaking at low RPM, feels like a misfire. It isn't consistent, it goes away once you start going, and it runs like a top otherwise. 82k miles.


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My friend is a mechanic and owns his own shop. He has a scope that connects to the EDIS and measures spark voltage, current, and displays discrepancies in spark energy between cylinders. Very invaluable tool, so that would be a good start if you have access to it.

Otherwise, the common issues I've seen with EDIS are that the coil packs can lose their ground path via corrosion around their base at the mounting bracket, so cleaning that up can help a lot. I ended up fabricating a ground strap to get around that issue. However, coil packs need replacement from time to time too - I have Accel EDIS coil packs and have been quite happy with them.

edit: Also make sure you're 4R70W TCC clutch isn't causing the shuddering, that's caused by old fluid or a really worn out clutch inside the TC.

Well... Fun.

I replaced the coil, plug, plug wire, and injector. Still misfiring. I'm going to ground the coil pack and see if that helps.

I was getting a misfire on cylinder 8 code so that is the cylinder with the new injector.

Well... Fun.

I replaced the coil, plug, plug wire, and injector. Still misfiring. I'm going to ground the coil pack and see if that helps.

I was getting a misfire on cylinder 8 code so that is the cylinder with the new injector.

If you've got a bad ground with the EDIS coil packs, and/or the filter cap isn't grounded properly, I think you will see a random misfires on random cylinders. If you're issue is isolated to #8 specifically, I would start looking at the wiring. It's possible that a critter could've chewed on something, or perhaps the check the fuel pressure, etc.

Filter cap?

I ran a 10 gauge ground from the alternator mount to the coils. Did not help.

Yeah, the filter capacitors. There should be 2 of them, one for each EDIS coil pack. Each cap receives 12V with the key on and the other end of it grounds to one of the corners on the coil pack (obviously metal). You can check to see if the ground path is sufficient by using a multimeter, in fact. You should measure the resistance between the grounding point for your filter caps and the negative terminal of the battery. If there's resistance, even 1-2 ohms, you need to make a better ground for the caps. It might be as simple as cleaning the coil packs and the mounting bracket, but I fashioned new ground straps from scratch.

I don't believe I have any, or I may very well be missing it. I know where they are on my 93 and 65, but I haven't seen any on my Mercury.

I would expect the engine to misfire intermittently on random cylinders without them in place.

By any chance can you locate them in a pic? I believe I have one. I always assumed they had something to do with blocking radio interference. I don't believe I saw two but I could be looking in the wrong place.

By any chance can you locate them in a pic? I believe I have one. I always assumed they had something to do with blocking radio interference. I don't believe I saw two but I could be looking in the wrong place.

Sure, I'll try to take some snaps this morning.

Thank you! You're the best.

When my car first started acting up, I would get a code and more misfiring after a few days. I would try something such as new plugs, clear the codes, and the symptoms and codes would pop up a few days later. The codes were misfire on #8 and lean condition on bank 2.

After putting my injector in, I quickly got a CEL and it now blinks. I haven't ran codes yet, but blinking=impending cat damage from what I read. Cats usually get damaged on rich conditions. Very strange.

It's this thing:


I have one on the driver side as pictured, but not the passenger. Strange

Much to my dismay... The codes now read cylinder 1 misfire and bank 1 lean. I think it's a fuel issue because if it were not firing it would be rich. Arrgh!

Where's the filter cap for the other coil? You need both!

I found out my issue. A broken pigtail on my injector!

Thanks for all of your help, I appreciate it.

Even though I still only have one filter cap..
