Missing evap hose | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Missing evap hose


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March 9, 2023
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2004 ford explorer 4x4 xl
So I have a 2004 Ford explorer xlt 4x4 and the 9d289 evaporative emissions (evap) return tube is missing completely and we can't figure out where it connects , I know we can use a fuel hose but not sure where to connect it .. it has a rough idle due to it and it was like this when I got it .. please help me out ..

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welcome! any pics? not sure i know which tube that is by name. if its like the 2g maybe i can shed some light, or if not @CallMeSyd is knowledgable on the 3g

It's missing this hose circled

Screenshot_20230308-154646_Samsung Internet.jpg

welcome! any pics? not sure i know which tube that is by name. if its like the 2g maybe i can shed some light, or if not @CallMeSyd is knowledgable on the 3g
That's one I can't remember. I got rid of my 4.0 so all of mine are 4.6L now. Sorry, wish I could help.

Did you try parts.ford.com? If you can find the right part on there, it sometimes has a drawing that shows it's location. If you can locate the part either there on elsewhere a lot of times the shape of it will show you where it connects - they are often pre formed and will only really connect to one spot.
