Missing Part - Fuel Filler Funnel - Aviators Only? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Missing Part - Fuel Filler Funnel - Aviators Only?


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
December 28, 2010
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City, State
Russell, Ontario (Ottawa area)
Year, Model & Trim Level
2023 Aviator Reserve 201A
I just checked my Aviator and found that the fuel filler funnel is missing. According to the Manual, it is supposed to be in the spare wheel storage tray. The tray is empty and I even checked under the spare tire. Will be giving the dealer a call.


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Peter - thanks for the heads-up. I did not know what this gismo even was 'till I searched Amazon https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B001H1PZ6U/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_U_CBokEb6RCKT82 . (I assume this is the type of thing we're talking about.) In any case, I don't have one either in my Aviator. Like you, I went down to the floor under the spare and nothing. It will be on my dealer list thanks to you!

It came in my Explorer ST - maybe just missing on the Aviators?

I spoke with my salesman and he said the next time I drop in they will fix me up with the funnel.


It came in my Explorer ST - maybe just missing on the Aviators?
It’s missing on my ST. I’m going to the dealership tomorrow to have them order the funnel, tow hook, and rear air deflector. Spoke with my salesman and he made sure they would order everything for me.

When you take delivery, check the area above the spare tire, there is a spot the the towing eye is suppose to be stored in. The owners manual indicated it should be with the vehicle at all times. It's referenced in the owners manual (available on-line) as well in the printed copy that comes with your vehicle on page 295.

Where is the fuel funnel stored in yours. I have that storage area for the eye hook as well but the Aviator doesn't use one. I just clipped the funnel in the under floor storage area


My funnel is stored on the left side of the spare tire cover, the towing eye is stored on the right side there is a slot to store it in. I picked it up from my dealer yesterday N/C along with the rear air defector. I'll post a picture shortly.

I have that empty towing eye slot but could not find a similar place (slot) on that same area for the funnel. Oh well, it is secure where I have it clipped and it won't bounce around.


Here is the funnel & the towing eye.

Thank you. That slot I don't have.

Here is what the left side looks like on my Aviator. If you look closely you can see a picture of a gas can and a picture of a funnel between the 2 square openings but there is no way to install the funnel there.



Here is what the left side looks like on my Aviator. If you look closely you can see a picture of a gas can and a picture of a funnel between the 2 square openings but there is no way to install the funnel there.


View attachment 178073
The gas filler is underneath the Picture of the gas can. I can see a little white in the right side. square

Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
I just went and checked and you are right. I had to sort of feel around under there. Once I got it out, I wasn't able to get it back in the correct position but it is hanging in there for now. What a strange place to store it compared to the one TBill's picture of the ST. I wonder if it was designed by the same person who designed the interior fuse box in the 5th gen? I haven't looked for that box in my Aviator but in reading the Manual, it appears to be in the same awkward place.


Peter-thanks for your post on the fuel filler. I read ur original posts and looked for my filler. I was sure it was not there. Then I read your update and grabbed my tools (reading glasses and flashlight) and, oh my, there was the fuel filler, right where u said it should be. No missing part (again) just missing eyesight. Thanks for your follow-up post.

Another option is to grab one at any auto parts store, I picked up a couple for .99 a piece just to have laying around

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Another option is to grab one at any auto parts store, I picked up a couple for .99 a piece just to have laying around
I've had 2 Lincolns and a Ford since 2010 with this feature and thankfully never needed to use it!
