moaning in the front end?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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moaning in the front end??


Well-Known Member
January 4, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Terryville, Connecticut
Year, Model & Trim Level
02' limited
there is a moaning noise coming from the drivers side front end of my truck. Near the tire. My uncle heard the noise yesterday and told me it sounds like my wheelbearing is shot. Does this sound right?

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You may want to check your power steering fluid level. Just a thought.....

i would say check the steering fluid. if thats not it try to raise just that wheel and turn it by you hear the noise??

thanks you guys but brought it to my mechanic and it was in fact the wheelbearing. didn't think it was that expensive though.$310.00 just for the part..oh well thanks again



The bearings are only 20 bux or so!!!!!!

thats not what he told me, he said it is all one unit on mine so that is why it cost so much.

Yours has the TTB, right? If you have the TTB you're bearings are 20-30 bux apiece. I would get them and put em in myself if I were you.

Nope, Brian has the IFS front end. I had the same bearing hub assembly replaced 2 weeks ago at the dealer. The part was $253 and labor was $110 or so. Thankfully my used car warranty covered all but the deductible. Had to get it in before it ran out.

Here is my post I wrote about it after it was done:

Hmm Moaning in the front end, sounds like someone was having a good time! :)
