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Mods finished

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looks good! what kind of rims are those?

I painted the stock wheel covers black.

Liking the depressed part of the hood painted !

Question - are the nerf bars helpful or get in the way ?

we have the sport which sits lower, but it may be too low for running boards, but it's too high for the wife and kiddos...

just curious...

The nerf bars are helpful for the kids but kinda get in the way for me. If they didn't look as good as they do, I'd probably take them off.

thanks - still on the fence about them.....

From what I have seen on the running boards on these, mine included, they do tend to kind of get in the way if you're not dedicated to using them. Here with the snow, slush and mud we are still experiencing, sometimes it is quite a stretch to get past them without touching them and getting filthy.

I agree with the last post, unless you like the look of them and have kids who need help in and out, don't bother.

I shouldn't have titled this thread, "mods finished". I keep tweaking it, I can't help myself.
I added vinyl to the front pillars, I don't like the floating roof look. Then I painted the rear strip letters and added overlays.



ford emblem

how did you find the balc and silver oval ford emblem. and where can i purchase?

and how did you paint the oem wheel covers? and which paint was used?
