Mods & upgrades to improve mileage & performance | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mods & upgrades to improve mileage & performance


New Member
January 28, 2007
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City, State
Charlottesville, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Sport
Hi Gang,

I have a 98 sport with a 4.0 SOHV engine. Yup NOT the SOHC. Ever since gas prices went nuts I have been looking for mainly weekend and simpler mods to do to bring up the mileage. I have done the following:

1. Flowmaster Catback exhaust
2. MAC cold air intake
3. MSD Ignition system (The power increase with this mod was awesome!)

I heard that there is a pulley mod that can also increase the horse power, but I haven't been able to find it.

The following mods are planned:

Leaf spring upgrade from a 4 door model
KYB shocks

I know these won't do anything for mileage, but I heard that it will improve the ride quite a bit.

I also have a full HID lighting system including replacement 9007 halogens with true HID's and off road Hella Ralley 4000 HID lights. I have a full communications station that covers from 1.0-1300 MHz. I am a ham operator that also runs emergency comms for the county. For this I installed an after market 250 amp alternator.

I want to perform weekend mods on the truck that will improve it;s performance. I don't want to tear out the engine and rebuild it. It only has 110K miles and I have had it since it had 13K on it and have babied it. Oh does anybody know where I can get a transmission pan with a drain plug in it? Keep in mind that my Explorer is only a 2WD model. I purchased it in FL and didn't need 4WD down there.

Thanx in advance gang

Jaime=Charlottesville, VA:D

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For gas mileage search for posts by "Aldive" and his "quest for 30" he has gotten like 32mpg hwy with his 2wd sohc (I know you have the ohv, but the same stuff should work). Welcom to the site!

Also, it was an underdrive pully you were talking about.

I know these won't do anything for mileage, but I heard that it will improve the ride quite a bit.

Michelin LTX M/S improved my ride ALOT from the previous Goodyear Wrangler RT/S.

Aldive has a lot of mods done to his truck, but as stated he's getting around 32mpg hwy at over 70 mph. Imagine if he were to tear apart the engine and start putting in lighter rods and pistons and improving flow.

It really ticks me off that the car manufacturers don't do this stuff from the start. Think about it. He's seen a 50% gain in mpg (actually a little better that that) with only external modifications. Can you imagine how much better those high paid engineers could do in the factory? Or how much better this world would be using that much less gas? I don't know about you, but I'd be willing to pay another grand for a new car if it got even 25% better mileage. And most of the stuff he has done is relatively simple.

One the biggest things he will tell you is use full synthetic fluids throughout your truck. engine, tranny and diff.

Good luck

Change to synthetics and get a tune.


Skip the MSD ignition for now IMO the stock DIS ignition is more then adequate for your engine, reliable, and it performs well.

He can't skip the MSD. he already did it. And to his defense, it's the second time this week I've read how good it is. And that's on 2 different kinds if vehicles.

I've been told installing a new set of O2 sensors help a bit? I'm seriously thinking about doing it myself, any one out there do it? I'm well over 100K and have had to replace one already

hey evryone...i am new to this board but have done some mods to my explorer...i have a 96 with the cat back mod...i also put in a throttle body spacer with a 66mm throttle what a difference...can hardly wait to reinstall the hypertech chip upgrade...i have a k&n cold air return as well..i did the 8.8 mm wires but didnot do the msd ignition upgrade...this have been a few times now that i heard this was a good mod...was there a noticable difference when you used the msd...i was told that the stocker is just as good as if not better then most upgrades...any comments anyone?..cheers jeff

I just back from a 750+ mile trip and averaged 20.4mpg keeping at a steady 68mph. I didn't think it was possible to get that gas mileage with the Explorer.

I can get between 28-30 mpg in my 2000 Explorer Sport if i'm very careful and keep my speed under 65 mph. I have the 4.0 OHV like you do -- and 5-speed tranny, 3.23 rear, 2wd.

I've done full synthetic fluids (oil, trans, differential), AEM cone air filter w/ stock intake tube, Michelin X-radial tires, and a lower air dam. So basically, nothing major.

The air dam I made myself from commercial baseboard...that thick rubber stuff with the lip on it. Got some from the hardware store for about $5 and it looks surprisingly good, I will have to find a picture, but it seems to help.

I also did the Seafoam treatment through the brake booster line and have run B-12 chemtool and Lucas UCL through the gasoline to make sure my fuel system was clean.

On another note, when you say "true HID halogen", what do you mean? Are you referring to those "plasma xenon" halogen bulbs with the blue coating, or a real HID system? Either way, its dangerous. The fake HID halogens put out a lot fewer lumens than regular halogens, even if the color is whiter, thus reducing your field of vision...and the real HID systems cannot be focused properly as a true HID bulb is a different shape than a regular halogen bulb. You'll be blinding people on the road, throwing light all over the place, unless you get the reflectors in your headlights modified as well.

Def. get a pic of that baseboard stuff you are talking about with the lip. I want to see what you came up with. Ive always wanted a lower air damn on my truck but couldnt afford the EE one.

I can get between 28-30 mpg in my 2000 Explorer Sport if i'm very careful and keep my speed under 65 mph. I have the 4.0 OHV like you do -- and 5-speed tranny, 3.23 rear, 2wd.

I've done full synthetic fluids (oil, trans, differential), AEM cone air filter w/ stock intake tube, Michelin X-radial tires, and a lower air dam. So basically, nothing major.

The air dam I made myself from commercial baseboard...that thick rubber stuff with the lip on it. Got some from the hardware store for about $5 and it looks surprisingly good, I will have to find a picture, but it seems to help.

I also did the Seafoam treatment through the brake booster line and have run B-12 chemtool and Lucas UCL through the gasoline to make sure my fuel system was clean.

On another note, when you say "true HID halogen", what do you mean? Are you referring to those "plasma xenon" halogen bulbs with the blue coating, or a real HID system? Either way, its dangerous. The fake HID halogens put out a lot fewer lumens than regular halogens, even if the color is whiter, thus reducing your field of vision...and the real HID systems cannot be focused properly as a true HID bulb is a different shape than a regular halogen bulb. You'll be blinding people on the road, throwing light all over the place, unless you get the reflectors in your headlights modified as well.

I've been told installing a new set of O2 sensors help a bit? I'm seriously thinking about doing it myself, any one out there do it? I'm well over 100K and have had to replace one already

Before you replace them, take an OBD II scanner and monitor their function.

Way too many perfectly good O2 sensors are replaced.

Here is my home-made airdam:


All it is -- commercial baseboard with a solid strip of high-strength Velcro running along the top edge of it. It fastens against that tiny lip under the bumper. It's not as stiff as I would like but seems to work.

Another shot



If you don't have foglights, the ones in the pictures are those $19.99 Optronics models from Walmart. they just happen to be the perfect size to fit in that foglight hole in the 2000-model year bumpers.

Looks good! I might have to steal your idea :p; however, I think it is going to have to be attached with something better than velcro

Yeah, velcro isn't exactly the heaviest duty material...I chose it because its easy to remove and I didn't want to drill into the bumper. But so far, its held just fine, even above highway speed.

did you brace the plastic somehow? I bought some at home depot but it was so flimsy!!!

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