Moonroof doesn’t work | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Moonroof doesn’t work


Well-Known Member
August 22, 2018
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2013, Explorer Limited
hello :)
My moon roof is not working. The Glas just does nothing. The shade worked.
I removed both motors and x-changed them but now no one is working.
I still had the headliner dropped and the motors not screwed in but the switches on n the headliner do nothing.
Maybe I have do a reset procedure?
Before I started I checked the fuses 38 and 8.

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Initialization procedure for both shade and glass motor (do both).

Keep objects and body parts clear of the glass panel when carrying out the initialization procedure. During the initialization procedure, the glass panel closes with high force and cannot detect objects in its path. Failure to follow this instruction may result in serious personal injury.

The roof opening panel motor(s) must be initialized when repairs are carried out on any part of the roof opening panel system, including whenever the roof opening sliding glass or power shade motor has been removed from the roof opening panel system.the roof opening panel glass has been removed from the roof opening panel system.the roof opening panel assembly has been removed from the vehicle.a new roof opening sliding glass or power shade motor has been installed.a new roof opening panel glass has been installed.a new roof opening panel assembly has been installed.

The driver or passenger front door must be open during the entire procedure.

Initialize Shade Motor
  1. Open the driver or passenger front door.
  2. Turn the ignition to the ON position.
  3. With the shade in the fully open position, pull and release the shade control switch closing the shade to the halfway position.
  4. Complete the following within 5 seconds:
    • Cycle the ignition to the OFF position and then back to the ON position.
    • Pull the shade control switch for less than one second and release.
    • Pull and hold the shade control switch until the shade moves to the fully open position and then back to the fully closed position (this could take up to 20 seconds to start).
  5. Release the switch and verify successful initialization by carrying out one-touch open and one-touch close operations.

Initialize Glass Motor
  1. Open the driver or passenger front door.
  2. Turn the ignition to the ON position.
  3. Complete the following within 5 seconds:
    • Cycle the ignition to the OFF position and then back to the ON position.
    • Push the TILT switch for less than one second and release.
    • Push and hold the TILT switch until full glass open and closed is witnessed (this could take up to 20 seconds to start).

  4. Release the switch and verify successful initialization by carrying out one-touch open, one-touch close and one-touch vent operations.

Thank you very much! I will try directly in the morning. I will go to sleep for now.

I tried the procedure but nothing happens.
I checked the switch with a multi meter with this plan and it is okay.
Maybe I do something wrong with the test procedure.
Before reassembling the x-changed Motors I measured the Plus/minus wires at the motor and they are normal.
Does a ForScan Tedt procedure exist?


Unfortunately there isn't a sunroof module to access via the network, so no On-Demand Self Test isn't available.

When you say you tested the plus/minus of the motor are you saying you saw voltage? Does the polarity reverse when the switch is reversed?

Unfortunately there isn't a sunroof module to access via the network, so no On-Demand Self Test isn't available.

When you say you tested the plus/minus of the motor are you saying you saw voltage? Does the polarity reverse when the switch is reversed?

Did not check on this item, because I was alone. I just checked the voltage at the connector at the black and red wire.
Currently I do not have a clue, what to do next, because the Initialization did not do anything and the Switches are all okay. Unfortunately the Haynes Repair Manual has no wiring diagram for the moonroof.

Does any possibility exisits to test the motors outside the vehicle? Or maybe I disconnect the battery and apply external 12V directly to the attached motors and I can check, if anything happens.

You also need voltage at the red/white wire as well (ignition trigger).

Here are the schematics for that circuit. C912 is the connect that attaches to the overhead console and C921 should face toward the rear of the vehicle in the overhead console pocket of the headliner.

To bench test the motor you would have to apply power to the red and red/white wire. Ground to black. And then to trigger opening or closing you would have to jump the "return" to either "tilt" "open" or "close". Diagram should explain it.

thanks, I will check tomorrow :)

I disassembled everything again checked all wires and opened the motors.
Both are working if you apply 12V directly to the motor but the glass motor has marks of water damage and rust on the circuit board.
I re-assembled the shade Motor on its original position and it is working.

I assume you cannot open the glass with broken shade motor.

I will order a new motor and hopefully this will resolve my problem :)

I disassembled everything again checked all wires and opened the motors.
Both are working if you apply 12V directly to the motor but the glass motor has marks of water damage and rust on the circuit board.
I re-assembled the shade Motor on its original position and it is working.

I assume you cannot open the glass with broken shade motor.

I will order a new motor and hopefully this will resolve my problem :)
Post a picture of the circuit board.

You may bring it back by cleaning corrosion with isopropyl alchohol and tooth brush and letting it dry.

Also if you have water damage make sure to clean out the sunroof drain lines as they could have clogged and caused the initial issue. You can also coat the board with dialectric grease to prevent any other corrosion from forming.

I guess the boards don’t come with any conformal coating.

This is how the board ist looking. I cleaned already a bit.
On the other side it does not show any damage/water marks.
I already cleaned it with alcohol and put it back in the car
Unfortunately it is now heavy raining and I do not want to open the roof.


Yeah that looks pretty bad.

I just had the chance to check the motor, but it doesn't do anything.
Just ordered a new motor. I'm quite sure, it has some serious damage.
But finally I'm okay to have the solution for the issue. I will check the drain lines the next days.

So yesterday I got the new Motor. Everything is working as it should :)
Thanks for the support!
