Motor Trends SUV of the Year | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Motor Trends SUV of the Year


Elite Explorer
July 23, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Chicago, Il
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport
I just saw the new issue of Motor Trend and they named the Acura MDX the "SUV of the Year".

I think they are taking it a bit far calling it an SUV. Looks more like a minivan on steroids to me. There were 12 vehicles, maybe it was 10. The problem is, if anyone has the issue they will know what I am talking about, that the test area they used wasn't heavyduty off-road. It was more like flat dirt roads, streams and hills. I did see an area with rocks that the Montero was on, but that didn't even look very demanding. I know a lot of these vehicles will never go off-road, but how can they really determine which is the best SUV? They liked the MDX mostly for the creature comforts and cargo space which is good. I dunno, I have always pictured a truck as an SUV. I could go on and on, but I don't feel like typing anymore. Dead Link Removed

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Acura the SUV or the year. Just remember the Focus got car of the year as well. Where they come up with these things I will never know.

Originally posted by Brian97V8
Just remember the Focus got car of the year as well.
It did? This year's is the Chrysler PT Cruiser (just announced) & last year's was the Lincoln LS.

There's all kinds of different catagories for car/truck/suv of the year. I don't know them all so I'm not gonna try. It seems to me though that anything new win.:D Back to the focus, it was one of motor trends top 10, and that's with porsche's and audi's and all those types, now to me that's pretty good.

My bad. I forgot the focus was top 10. Will you ever forgive me? I htink the SUV market is getting so big they should break it up into more than one part. Possibly one for off roadability and one for Oh look at me and look what I have keeping up with the Jones'sability

Yeah, two categories:

Rice burners- Mitsubishi, TOYota, etc.
Quality SUV's- Ford, maybe some others, from America of course :D
