Motorized steering column not, er, motoring | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Motorized steering column not, er, motoring


New Member
October 28, 2012
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Ford Explorer LTD
Hi everyone. Newbie poster here. I've searched for this issue, but haven't found it yet, so here goes:

My 2013 Ford Explorer Limited has a stock motorized telescoping/tilt steering wheel adjustment that automatically moves to match the memory settings accessed by the numbered buttons on the driver's side door. Lately, the wheel hasn't been telescoping much, if at all. Seems to maybe work better when it's warmer out. Tilt works fine. If I try and telescope it manually, it works ok for the first couple of inches of travel, but then slows to a crawl, eventually stopping before it gets to its maximum length. Wondering if this is an issue anyone has seen or if anyone has a guess as to what the problem is. Thanks in advance for the advice!


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Welcome to the Forum abucknam.:wavey:
I've been here over 4 years and do not recall a similar issue. Does it still do the same thing when the interior has warmed up?


...Lately, the wheel hasn't been telescoping much, if at all...

Welcome, abucknam! I'd recommend mentioning this to your dealer. If you don't want to make a special trip, you can always wait until the next time you're in for a maintenance visit. What's the current mileage on your Explorer?


It's pushing 39,500 right now. I don't live close to my dealer, so was going to have my Local Mechanic do my maintenance next month. If there was a TSB on something like this I could mention it to them.

It seems to perform better when the cabin is headed up (REALLY heated up...just having the engine running at normal temperatures doesn't do it). Is there some sort of grease in the motor that isn't viscous enough at cooler temps after three years' use?

Did you find out why on this one? Ours is doing exactly the same thing.

We ended up checking several things: the motor on the steering column (worked fine), along with associated lubrication, etc. All checked out. I believe they ended up replacing a control circuit under the seat to fix the issue.

Did you find out why on this one? Ours is doing exactly the same thing.
Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
FYI, the member you quoted hasn't been seen since September 2016. No one else has posted about this issue that I can recall.
Also, do you really have a 2103 Limited??;)


Welcome to the Forum abucknam.:wave:
I must have missed you when you joined back in 2012. It sure was a loooong time between posts. That looks like a good thing in regards to your Explorer.:)

