mph? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Well-Known Member
October 29, 2003
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detroit, michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 sport
i have a 96 sport that i have 33's on and a 4.56 gear and locker my question is how off will my speedometer be. thanks

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A what was your stock tire size and gear ratio before re-gearing? From there we can tell how many % off it is.

I thought the speedomoter re-calculation was only tied to tire size. So all we'd have to know is the stock tire size (28" I guess...) to figure out the % difference.
Is the speedometer really tied into the gear box?

karl_burns said:
I thought the speedomoter re-calculation was only tied to tire size. So all we'd have to know is the stock tire size (28" I guess...) to figure out the % difference.
Is the speedometer really tied into the gear box?

The tires & gear ratio are how its based. I would recommend this link if you are trying to identify the speed. Dead Link Removed

my tires were 15 inch stockers and the gearing was the lowest like 3.27. i thought you had to calculate the tire and gear ratio to come up with mph

Yeah since you re-geared it does change things..

ok it says that if i'm going 50 mph on my speedo i'm actually doin 59????? according to that link. i think thats wrong though because if i'm doing 50 on my speedo it feels more like 30mph but i don't know

I was the same way until I figured out how to recalibrate my speedo. I was going about 50 and I felt like I was only going like 40. It was horrible -- thank goodness I didnt' get a ticket


so how would i go about figuring how off my speedo is????

Dyno? =) I don't know, but curious myself due to regearing once I go bigger (3.55 with 32+ *cringe*)

Have a friend drive next to you and see how fast they are going.

With 4.56 gears 33" tires I am traveling 11% faster than the speedo reads.

I had Doug (Bamachips) reprogram the ECU for me, but this one area he has never got dialed in accurately.

I just use the GPS on the freeway and ignore the speedo in town.

I thought that some places could recalibrate it for you (4wp for one if you have one near you)

slravene said:
I thought that some places could recalibrate it for you (4wp for one if you have one near you)

For you they can, as your vss system is laid out differently than mine.

The calibration codes for mine are in the computer.

well i drove next to my girlfriend today and my speedo seems to read 5 mph faster than what i'm actually doin. so if i'm was driving next to her at 50 mph my speedo would say approximately 55 mph.
