Mudd Pictures | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mudd Pictures

Some pics of my explorer and my friends chevy truck stuck in the mudd, the pictures of the wheels are from the side that we could get too, the other side we couldnt take pictures because we couldnt get to that side. my explorer is stock so im suprised i made it that far, and yes, i had to be pulled out by a chevy :mad: , but he had to be pulled out by me too :D the mudd was up to the bottom of my door on the drivers side, and i was sitting on the frame , it was fun, and i cant wait to get my lift, and hit this mudd hole again :D heres the link, hopefully it works

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sorry, didnt mean to post it twice, i hit the stop button before i posted it cause i forgot to put the link in the thread

Looks like a blast! There's an "Edit" button in the botton right corner of each of your posts, you can go back and edit them. Might of been better to put in the "Whoops" section, but oh well, all in good fun!

that does look like a blast. good thing you werent by yourself, might have been there a while

FireZapper said:
Ever hear of tread lightly? Sorry but stay on the trails.

the property we were on is owned by my boss
