My $40 KKM - pictures | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My $40 KKM - pictures

93liftedXLT said:
Let me fill everyone in on soemthing, all and i mean all open element air filters are the same, there is not 1 that is better than the other, that kkm is just a name on a regular filter, just cuss it says mac or aem or kkm,apc, there all the same,

Actually KKM is not on the filter, the manufacturer's name is.

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93liftedXLT said:
Let me fill everyone in on soemthing, all and i mean all open element air filters are the same, there is not 1 that is better than the other, that kkm is just a name on a regular filter, just cuss it says mac or aem or kkm,apc, there all the same,
For anyone who actually believes this...........I am now offering the "Robbair Filternator" for $20 + s&h. PM me with your order.


  • robbair filtinator.jpg
    robbair filtinator.jpg
    85 KB · Views: 266

Robb, do you take paypal? ;)

Aye, the mold tool for that looks a little too narrow to satisfy the Trac's 4.0...

I am thinking of doing this as well. What size holes did you drill in the grate for the screws to connect the MAF?


Afboy143 said:
my $20 dollar kkm intake

What filter did you use that was different and what setup did you use to connect the filter to the MAF?


it was off an ebay auction

I search for explorer intake and saw it

haktmal said:
Any K&N that will fit your Grate will do.
Length of the K&N should be 7". Diameter of the K&N cone should have a 3"


Which diameter of flange did you go with when you purchased your filter? Also what size holes did you have to drill in the grate?


Afboy143 said:
it was off an ebay auction

I search for explorer intake and saw it

Yeah, I think I came across thos same filters while researching this project. My other question is where did you get the adapter for the filter to connect to the MAF? Your setup looks so clean without that square grate part between the filter and the MAF. I also like the brace you rigged up. Very clean looking!


mdriggan said:
Yeah, I think I came across thos same filters while researching this project. My other question is where did you get the adapter for the filter to connect to the MAF? Your setup looks so clean without that square grate part between the filter and the MAF. I also like the brace you rigged up. Very clean looking!


Well I just searched ebay and didn't find anything for the v6 like I did when I bought it. here is an auction for the v8 however

not sure if it would fit and that filter looks rather iffy

Afboy143 said:
Well I just searched ebay and didn't find anything for the v6 like I did when I bought it. here is an auction for the v8 however

not sure if it would fit and that filter looks rather iffy

Yeah I dont think I want all of that chrome under the hood anyway. I did come across this filter however. Do you think this would fit ok? I not, Ill just order one from the same place as the first person did. Sorry for askin so many questions...


Robb said:
And your proof behind this is what?

My proof is my knowledge of working on High performance sport compact cars for the past 6 years, and having a sponcered 95 honda civic tube chassy, with turbo 2.2 liter motor than runs 9.60's on slicks with 3 Bars of boost, tuned by dynofreaks, and built by me,

its just a cone air filter, there all the same, u can make your own with a ebay filter, and it will make the same hp as a KN or mac, kkm.... you pretty much making more TQ, if anything, flowing more air into your Tb, and in your intake,

