Finally got in my ebay intake and installed, results are.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Finally got in my ebay intake and installed, results are....


Explorer Addict
September 23, 2003
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1999 Ford Explorer Sport

Works great! The adapter however came in a black finish unlike the silver shown in the pictures. The adapter was very clean cut, no rough edges. The adapter was a bit larger than the MAS. I also had to open the holes up wider towards the inside in order for the adapter to fit since it was off. The adapter is made out of aluminum so it was hard at all. After making the holes bigger, I found bolts that were laying around since it didnt come with any and made a metal mount and tapconned it to the front side of the truck. I then mounted the filter on the adapter and turned the explorer on. Started rite up. I took it out for a drive and it gets a bit louder when I gun it as compared to when I had the air box. It also is a lot more jumpy at stops. Best 23$ I ever spent! If you dont mind modding a bit to make it fit, I reccomend this.

Now I cant wait til this weekend til I get my dual 50 series flow masters installed

Pics of how it came out follows tomarrow

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I bought the same one off ebay, I had the same problems.

I thought it was kind of bogus that the holes didn't fit and that there was no hardware provided. I didn't notice any HP increase or sound difference.

I got the same thing for $12 and the guy sent me two. I gave the other one to my buddy. I too had the same problems with the holes not lining up.

I did however notice a very definate difference in neck-snap torque off the line as well as a very pronounced "intake sound" at higher RPMs.

By far the best 12 bucks I ever spent! The holes not lining up was a small issue seeing as how it was about $90 cheaper than a KKM, which is the same thing!

wow if i didnt know better i swear I was looking at my truck i just put in the same red filter 3 days ago and had the same prob with the adapter so i cut my box apart and used the mounts from the box and put the adapter in that. I however did notice a diffrence in sound and acceleration.

This is interesting. i was ready to order a KKM within the next few days, but if you guys are getting great results for 1/9th of the cost, it may be worth my while to grab one of these guys...

I don't want to spend much/any on performance right now, but for that cheap I might have to get one :)
EDIT: I just checked ebay. I typed in Explorer in the "Air Intake Systems" and couldn't find a single one for below 95. :( Everything was either heat shields or 96+ intakes. Normally I see tons of them.

go to autozone or pepboys and get an apc filter they are washable and reusable
thats what I did cause I hate how long it takes for ebay sellers to ship and for me to recieve what I orderd lol so I rather pay an extra 15$ and have it today. its just a filter but makes a noticable diffrence.

thewishkah, how did you get an adapter?

NYC97, if you buy one make sure to buy one like I did and not those fancy cone ones as the filter that came with mine flows better

Also the holes not lining up completely isnt that big of a prob. Its made out of thick aluminum so it isnt hard to bore the holes larger toward the inside. All you have to go buy is 4 bolts and some metal to make a mount. Im glad I bought this over the KKM.

svande, you didnt notice any change in sound? I noticed a big diff in sound. Its louder at high rpms.

bmxking5 said:
I don't want to spend much/any on performance right now, but for that cheap I might have to get one :)
EDIT: I just checked ebay. I typed in Explorer in the "Air Intake Systems" and couldn't find a single one for below 95. :( Everything was either heat shields or 96+ intakes. Normally I see tons of them.

I don't think the guy knows exactly what they fit and what they don't. The one i bought said it was for a 3.0 ranger which I found out have the same MAF as the explorers. It had a buy-it-now price of $9.00 but I waited until the auction ended and got mine for $7.00 :D

Who agrees with me, that shipping prices on eBay are getting RIDICULOUS? It's costing $35 to ship 3 pounds via Priority Mail when the actual cost is under 10! My adaptor looks exactly like this one and it fit perfectly. You don't want a gap or anything like that in between the adaptor and the MAF. Try and find one without a filter to save some money. The filters they give in these auctions are pieces of crap.

NYC97XLT U dont even need to buy that crap off of ebay...I have to show u how I didn my intake it costed me nothing same performance as that one in the auction. I was just lucky enough to have a k&n cone filter laying around from my mustang. But those filters run rather cheap at pep boys and what not. BTW NYC where in ny u at?

I've been looking at these, but none of them say if they fit the sohc or the ohv. ideas?

Hmm, interesting.

At first I made my intake out of pvc, but last week I went to autozone and they have a plastic adapter for about 3 bucks. The adapter has not melted at all, and with a cheap air filter it should cost less than the ebay one considering the shipping you guys paid for it. :D

Is there an actual brand name on any of these filters? Or are you guys just assuming that it is a quality product, and is not letting harmful contaminents into your engines?

I think seeing how it's "K&N-like" gives the impression it's just as good.

Robb said:
Is there an actual brand name on any of these filters? Or are you guys just assuming that it is a quality product, and is not letting harmful contaminents into your engines?

I did a thorough inspection of mine when I got it and it seemed to be the same quality and material as my old K&N panel filter. Besides that an ASE certified mechanic said it "looked like I got a real good deal on a quality filter"

I've had it on there for about 3000 miles now and it runs just as good as ever. If it is destroying my engine then that will just give me a good exuse for a 302/M5ODR2 swap :D

BUT you can't go by looks alone. It would have to go through different tests on expensive machines. Many people see that it's reusable so they think it's a good filter.

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huskyfan23 said:
BUT you can't go by looks alone. It would have to go through different tests on expensive machines. Many people see that it's reusable so they think it's a good filter.

yosh18981898 said:
If it is destroying my engine then that will just give me a good exuse for a 302/M5ODR2 swap :D

:D :D
