My 4x4 Low range isn't working | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My 4x4 Low range isn't working


Explorer Addict
April 30, 2001
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Year, Model & Trim Level
04 EB V8
Ok, so I test my 4x4 to see if it still works, I never use it, & last time I checked it was in the summer & it worked fine. Well.... 4 High seems to work, the hubs engage, & disengauge fine(auto) Don't tell me to "upgrade" to manuals. I do not want to, or have a need to. So I try Low Range, & nothing. The low range light on the switch doesn't light up, & the indicator on the dash that says Low Range does not come on. The regular 4x4 light does work, & I know the 4x4 high works. Any suggestion as to a fix?

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OK, since you don't use it much, are you sure you're engaging it properly? Truck myst be in neutral and brake must be engaged before it will kick in. I know it sounds dumb, but I had the same kind of issue with my X till I checked the manual and tried again. Takes a second or 2 for it to engage as well.

ok i wont tell you to go with the manual hubs since you know they work fine, but my 4x4 high worked just fine but had no 4-low, and wow as soon as i put the manual hubs 4-low came back to life and works everytime, check the site there is info on how to work on your electric shift motor on your transfer case but like i said might want to check your hubs and see if they really are good.

If it was the Hubs, then I why can I use 4 high? If they were broken, I shouldn't be able to engage it at all.

dude I have no idea, all I know is that i was getting ready to buy a shifter motor for my t-case and ended up putting the manual hubs in first and it fixed the problem. I found a thread on here where someone else had the same situation only he took his to the dealer and they put manual hubs and fixed his. so sorry I dont know the mechanics of it but I'm happy as hell.:bounce:

I HATE CARS!!!!!!! Turned out I wasn't holding the clutch in to shift to 4 low. Now it works fine. That's 2 times I though I had major problems, & it turned out to be nothing :)
