My Dream Super Truck | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My Dream Super Truck


Mopar Moderator
Moderator Emeritus
January 27, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Essex Jct Vermont
Year, Model & Trim Level
05 Ram 1500
If I had the extra cash. This is the super truck of my choice! The new F150 SVT Lightning Concept. Now I understand that the new one might be more heavy then the old one. But man, oh man. I drool everytime I see this truck. Whos with me on this one?







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Too bad they are not making it.
Saw in Hot Rod magazine that they have killed it.

Yea, I just heard that from my friend.. I heard that they were redoing it again.

that bright yellow interrior would give me a head ache.

I will have to have a good supply of Advil :)

MONMIX said:
that bright yellow interrior would give me a head ache.

I will have to have a good supply of Advil :)

yea the yellow did not really turn me on

Saw it in person. Its big, and its awsome. Too bad they aren't making it :(

SVT is dead till when, '06 or '07? I knew they were ending it for a year or two but it'll be back.

that looks awsome - if thats the actual underhood, its so darn clean! where is everything?! heh, fordexplorer, i dont know about you, but if i had that thing, i couldnt bring myself to install a lightbar on it, just wayy too nice of a truck (thank god for deck lights)



  • MVC-582S.JPG
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that truck is cool, would be even cooler in all black :) with a black interior

Very awesome truck indeed, to bad SVT is dead for a bit. Be nice if the production truck is that clean as well.

Yeah, I guess I wouldn't mind driving that around :D That looks really bad a$$. I can't wait to see the new one whenever they release it.

jimabena74 said:
that truck is cool, would be even cooler in all black :) with a black interior

ooooooooooooooooooh I am salavating.

all I can say is :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: I'd still take the dodge V10 supertruck though(go ahead flame away) :D

:chug: :chug:

About the Ram.. I doubt Dodge has different V10's.. well my uncle has as Ram from '97 or something with a V10. Isn't that the same engine in the Viper?

yes, and no. The motor in the viper is an aluminum version of the truck engine tuned for hp instead of torque. Now the V10 used in the Supertruck is a straight viper engine.

you're James Duff bumper would look kinda silly on a Dodged V10..... :p

yeah, but it'd be going so fast, who'd be able to see it :D

:chug: :chug:

by the way notajp, got about 8 letters from dhl, which one is right :confused:
