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My Explorer at work.


Explorer Addict
November 16, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Rockland County, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
06EB V8
So besides doing 80-100 miles a day in a commute, on the weekends my Expy does some work - no free food here :)
These are pictures from last fall where I went around the collected all the broken trees and firewood after the Halloween snow storm here (snow was gone in a week or 2). Take a look at the custome front hitch with the plow mount. I bought the Curtis 31545 mount and adapted it to hold also the plow mounts, before I had just plow brackets. At the same time I bought Blazer S10 tow hooks for $9 on ebay, and attached them to the new assembly. Cut out the holes in the air dam for a factory look (looks OK, not perfect).




This one is from few years ago, no real snow this year on the east coast


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how is your ex handling that plow? and how much did that setup cost you? your truck looks nice and clean. 4.0 or 4.6?

It's a v8 with tow package. I knew I would tow and plow so I looked for the full combo. The plow is pretty light, just 250 lbs, but full power, left, right, up, down and float mode. I got it off ebay for 1,100 or 1,400 - can't remember anymore. Does really good job for it's size, it's not commercial type and I know the limits of it. But for my driveway, my neighbours and friends it's enough.

I love the color of that Explorer. Very nice rig and glad to see it gets used like it should! :D

how are the front tow hooks mounted? did you cut the holes for them?

I bolted them to the front hitch assembly with some iron brackets and cut out holes in the bumper valance.
