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My first Explorer

I just happened to run across a picture of my first Explorer...a '97 Sport. The vehicle that made me see the light as far as the fun and functionality of driving an SUV. It also made me say I would never buy a new car again.

'97 Stats
SOHC 4x2
All of the factory goods except a roof
Manik grill guard
GoRhino taillamp guards
EGR rear wind deflector
Lund bug deflector
255x70/15's Kellys w/factory rims
Carbon Fiber dash and console kit
Tinted front windows
Pioneer spkrs front and back
Kenwood EQ, amp and subwoofer
K&N air filter (didn't know about drilling the airbox then)

I'll admit that I miss it a little bit. (sniff-sniff) LOL


[Edited by KodeBlu on 12-28-2000 at 02:23 PM]

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I don't understand. You said all the factory goodies except a roof???


how did you mount those foglights on the bumper, did you drill through any metal??

Bob, no I didn't have to drill through the bumper. It already had a couple of holes in it. I guess they might have been for drainage. Anyway, I did have to take the light mounting brackets to work and take a grinding wheel to them because of the curve of the front bumper. If not it would have been like trying to put a square peg into a round hole.

can you get any closer pics of how you mounted them? i was thinking of mounting some fogs there on my own, but couldnt figure out how to without drilling something

I'd like to know what kind of lights those are in the bumper. Mounting them is easy, I've figured that part out on my '95 already. My problem is finding the lights to go there. PIAA, Hella, FET Catz, Raybrig, etc....
