My First Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My First Explorer

Mike Peters

New Member
June 29, 2018
Reaction score
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Runnemede Nj
Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 Ford Explorer Base
Hello everyone. Within the next week, I will be picking up my 1st Explorer! It's a 2014 Base model! I am very excited! Anything I should know about this year and trim? Please any and all advice welcome! Thanks.


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Check that the A/C works. Got a 2014 two months ago and tried to use the A/C for the first time last week. Haven't had it in for diagnostics yet, but this could get expensive (might not, but my luck doesn't tend to run that good). My mistake, I checked the heater, but not the A/C since I rarely use it and it was a cold, rainy night when I test drove..

Hello everyone. Within the next week, I will be picking up my 1st Explorer! It's a 2014 Base model! I am very excited! Anything I should know about this year and trim? Please any and all advice welcome! Thanks.

Welcome to the Forum Mike.:wave:
Here is a checklist designed more for picking up a new vehicle but some of it may help. Helpful Hints for a Pre-Pick Up Inspection / Check List
As for yours, check the spare tire well for signs of moisture which could be a sign of water leaks. Check under the hood lip for signs of paint bubbles. Some members have experienced an exhaust smell upon hard acceleration. There are threads on all those issues. Becoming familiar with the use of the Forum's 'Search' feature in the upper right of the page can let you find a lot of information in existing threads. I'm not that familiar with the Base model so I don't know if comes with the Securicode feature which is located on the driver's door molding. If it has one, you should check to see if the code is available. I'm also not sure if the Base has the same software updates that come with MFT (MyFord Touch). The latest version is V3.10. As far as I can recall, there are no issues specific to the 2014.


Hey Pete. Thanks for reaching out. I know the Base doesn't have my Ford Touch. I'll check in the key pad. Do you know if you can fit a full size spare under the car?

Hi Mike. I've never really checked underneath but because of the existing spare tire well, I doubt there would be much room to mount a tire there. I'm guessing the 2014 Base is much the same.



