My luck. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My luck.

Josh P

Shaggin Wagon
Elite Explorer
February 18, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Phoenix Az
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 aerostar
I am almost done with the new vacuum booster and master cylinder install on my van, just need some small brake line parts to wrap the job up. In a day or two it will be running again. Someone ran into my jeep parked in front of my house. No sheet metal damage, cracked the bumper on the right side, cut the tire and the steering is jacked it makes right turns only. They had to be towed away. Now I get to deal with their insurance company in the morning. It is still usable, I will be driving it to work until I finish my van.

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You can allway demand a rental car reimbursement now before you start we're on you home was it parked. Hopefully in your driveway or on your property line. The reason I mention this is your jeep would be covered under your home owners insurence . I know this because 4 years ago I bought a new sonata hybrid made 3 payments on it. It was parked in front of my driveway my neighbors tree fell on it and totaled my car. The house was empty because she passed of cancer 4 months earlier. My geico home owners insurence payed my car off and payed for tree removal and everything with the mess. I had auto insurence but geico said anything parked on my property is covered under comp, and my auto policy was left with no claims against it. If you can get every nickel and a lawyer and make sure your car was parked right,
1. Faceing the right way many people park in front of there home faceing the wrong way.
2. No blind spots like 1 foot from curb, and on curve or in front of a hydrant or no parking zone.
Sounds ****ty but if any of these things are there and the other guy see it you can be screwed. You know I saw a state cop and I've see this happen if your not 100% and the other guy knows this you can lose.if no photos were taken at the seen then you know what to do. Good luck,see you soon.

Well I made it half way to work and the steering went out. I'll get it on a trailer and back to the house

Well I made it half way to work and the steering went out. I'll get it on a trailer and back to the house
Hit the insurence car for a rent a car they cover about 3 day rental before you pay. Mine did but I it lucky I didn't have a credit card at the time so geico arranged it threw enterprise.

The insurance adjuster did his thing and I'll get $1800 to repair the vehicle and the title will still be clear. I still can't believe it sheared the hardened steel steering shaft. I would consider that the only true damage to the car, as the axle and front bumper were going to get replaced. A few weeks ago I bought a vari-lok axle for $150, now I don't have to bust my knuckles swapping axles. The other car had to be towed away, the first picture shows how close it was to doing body damage.

Good luck,hope it works for you.

Good luck,hope it works for you.
Thanks, the front end was going to need attention so as long as the steering wheel gets fixed right the rest of it was overdue to be replaced. The cv boots ripped a few months after replacing them so I've been running the joints dry and all the control arm bushings are shot.
Van is just waiting on one brake line that needs to be made and the system bled. I'll get some pictures of that project posted when it is complete.

Speaking of breaks on my Harley I replaced rubber with steel. Do steel hose make a difference with the van.

Speaking of breaks on my Harley I replaced rubber with steel. Do steel hose make a difference with the van.
I couldn't answer that. I'm running hard line down to where the rubber line goes to the caliper. I like the look of the braided lines.

I ordered new front springs, spring isolators, cv boots, outer hub bearing assembly for both sides, synergy ball joints, adjustable control arms with heim joints, adjustable track arm and new tie rod ends. Steering column will get swapped out tomorrow. I'll post some pictures of the new parts installed. It will be a true 4 wheel drive with the replacement axle.

Good for you,keep the mind working or it will go stale like mine.

Half the parts have arrived. I started to strip the axle that will be going on the jeep. Steering column has been replaced but the clock spring is bad so it's half way there and can move under its own power.

Half the parts have arrived. I started to strip the axle that will be going on the jeep. Steering column has been replaced but the clock spring is bad so it's half way there and can move under its own power.
Your a worker

The hub nuts for the cv shafts fought me all the way out. I suspect the axle is from a car that spent some of it's life in the salt belt. I'm to the point I need to find a ball joint C press. Anyone use the harbor freight press? I read the review about the unit bending trying to press out old ball joints, I'm not worried about that cause I'm going to use a pneumatic hammer.

I've tried that press in the past on my 1989 van. It bent a little, and caused a new ball joint to get damaged. I was able to get another ball joint, and finish the job with another press. I don't know if they improved on them since that time. Another option is to get a loaner tool from Autozone.

I've tried that press in the past on my 1989 van. It bent a little, and caused a new ball joint to get damaged. I was able to get another ball joint, and finish the job with another press. I don't know if they improved on them since that time. Another option is to get a loaner tool from Autozone.
Thanks for the heads up.

Thanks for the heads up.
There warranted for 90 days. I bought a 5 way power pack I went to use the air compressure and it smoked up and burned. I brought it back got a new one the battery would not hold a charge brought it back 3 times a charm. Just keep the receipt . And for around 20 bucks they will give you a life time warranty .. not bad for throw away tools .

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Minor update, I did take a chance getting the harbor freight C press and I'm glad I did. It did great on the ball joints, I still needed the hammer though and I used it to press in a new bushing for the upper control arm on the right side. I'm still waiting on some parts to arrive, I think summit racing forgot about me. I'll get some pictures posted once I get it assembled, this weekend was mostly cleaning and painting parts.
