My New Flowmaster Kit...Need your input.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My New Flowmaster Kit...Need your input..


February 21, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Calgary Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 SOHC Explorer
Just got my flowmaster exhaust kit today! Will install this weekend hopefully. Wanna see what the 50 sounds like...if I do not like it, I'll be getting the super I may have a 50 series muffler used very little avaialbe for half the cost I paid for it if anyone is interested.

But my question to you is....

My '97 v6 4 litre Explorer....

I want to add a compliment to my new exhaust.....what would you get? A superchip or a Granatelli MAF? I will be getting both...but which should I get right off??

Also.....Where is my danged computer??? I need the 4 digit number code from my computer to get the chip programmed properly. The store could not help me....FORD told it where it MIGHT luck.

Thanks all....

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taylord1234 said:
My '97 v6 4 litre Explorer....

I want to add a compliment to my new exhaust.....what would you get? A superchip or a Granatelli MAF? I will be getting both...but which should I get right off??

Also.....Where is my danged computer??? I need the 4 digit number code from my computer to get the chip programmed properly. The store could not help me....FORD told it where it MIGHT luck.

Thanks all....

I would go with an Apten chip.

Take a look at for your computer location.

got all the bolt on stuff you are going to want first, then get the chip programed with all that in mind, if you get the chip, then add more bold ons to the engine then your chip is not wroking at maximum potential

dman726749 said:
got all the bolt on stuff you are going to want first, then get the chip programed with all that in mind, if you get the chip, then add more bold ons to the engine then your chip is not wroking at maximum potential

Not necessarly correct. From the Apten website:

If I buy a chip now, and continue to modify my car, will I need to sent it back to be re-burned?
In general, here is a short list of things you can modify without needing a chip re-burn:

Performance air filter
Higher flow radiator
Spark plugs
Performance plug wires
Electric fan conversion
Intake kit (provided there are no steep bends before the MAF)
Light intake and head porting
PI head and cam upgrades on the 4.6L engines
Mild camshaft upgrades
Different throttle bodies
Propane injection (nozzles in front of ATC sensor)
Transmission shift kits

Here is a list of things that could warrant recalibration:

Injector upgrades
Different MAF
delete EGR
High lift cams
Heavy head porting
Custom intake manifolds
Gears (on 96+ automatics only, so we can readjust shift points)

I'll have to check into that...

Saw the Apten website...I dunno...I may just stick with superchips.

I just read the FAQ from Apten.

and I gotta say..


I like the idea of the dual switch programming!! Superchips does not offer this. I was hopeing to get a hypertech programmer...but it is not available for my explorer.

Also..the FAQ solved a prob I am currently having. My stock MAF needs to be cleaned since I am using an oiled K&N air intake. I had NO idea that the oil from the filter could migrate to the MAF hot wire. My response time has been very sluggish lateley. First thing in the morning I am getting a can of electrical contact cleaner. Apten even says KEEP the stock ford MAF (I take it thats what they are saying). So..I have just saved myself 400 bux on NOT getting a granatelli MAF!!

Any other opinion or anyone wanna add/correct to my above statement???





the stock maf on the earlier explorers were more restrictive than your stock one, so an upgrade helps on those....but yeah, you should be good. Only reason you might need a bigger one is if you get a supercharger. And even then, Alec had his stock maf when he had his supercharged setup and he was getting plenty of power.

There is more to a MAF than size. The electronics is extremely important.

Here is my stocl MAF next to a Granatelli MAF....


  • mascompar1.jpg
    21.5 KB · Views: 190

So....judging by the pics...the stock looks way better electronic-wise.

taylord1234 said:
So....judging by the pics...the stock looks way better electronic-wise.

How can you determine that?

The difference is in the way signals are sent not the size.

The stock pic os the left one....right??

I think the granatelli option may still be a possibility then..

taylord1234 said:
The stock pic os the left one....right??

I think the granatelli option may still be a possibility then..

The MAF on the right is the stock one.

I am very pleased with my Granatelli MAF.
