My Siren Speaker Blew, 2nd Mishap | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My Siren Speaker Blew, 2nd Mishap

Yes thats right, my siren speaker blew. God Darn it. Here is a pic of where it is located. I have been averageing 1 speaker per year. I think it is due to the speaker being in the wheel weel. I was thinking about mounting it behind the grille, off to the side so its not blocking the radiator. Any suggestions or comments? I figured I can cut off a piece of the inner black molding on the passenger side and mount it to a side piece of metal.



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Get a better siren speaker :p

i would say its bad to mount it there... the wheelwells get all sorts of rain and water and junk up in there, and not jsut up there, but at a lot of velocity, im sure that speaker doesnt like that...

behind the grill is a better spot, it shouldnt block the radiator too much, i doubt it will bother it enough to even make a real difference

You should just put a q-siren on the grill :D

I have had my siren on my grill gaurd for 2 years now with no problems but its not an aluminum one its cast iron and weighs about 20lbs its 200w and louder then what the NYPD uses ;)

but its mounted right infront of the grill along with my grill lights as you see in the pic and hasn't caused any problems with air movement

you could also mount it where I had my old aluminum one mounted till it fell off driving through the holland tunnel, which was on the side of a frame rail.

whered you get it? most places warranty their emergency equipment for 5 years (sirennet and galls do) not sure on speakers, tho
