Need a vehicle with fewer miles | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need a vehicle with fewer miles


New Member
January 25, 2014
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer
Hey guys this is the first forum that I've been on. I just have a couple questions to the first gen guys, my 2000 explorer rolled 300,000 miles last week and it's about time to get a new vehicle however I am a poor starving college kid and need to retain some fuel mileage. I found a pretty nice '93 4x4 my questions are A) what are some cheap mods I can do to squeeze a little more power out of it? B) how much will a set of 31 inch tires affect fuel economy?

My highway mileage dropped form 25 to 18 with 32's :(

City dropped from 15 to 12. :(

If your looking for fuel economy,,, stock size pizza cutters only!

There are some power mods but all will cost you economy.

Economy = Bone stock with proper tune up.

If the 2000 is still ticking like a Timex keep it until you can't see through the smoke!

Although First Gens do Rule. :salute:

Total Chick Magnet! :D
