need ABS unit 1994 XL | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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need ABS unit 1994 XL


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Millbrook, Illinois
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer Sport Trac
Hello all~
I have a 1994 explorer XL, 4.0L OHV 4X2 and manual transmission. Okay so I've dropped near $500 worth in brake parts and labor on this dang thing and still she pulls to the right with the brakes on. New drums, shoes, wheel cylinders, rotors, pads, and calipers. Plus a few hundred in labor on a few of those parts, plus the labor for the power bleeding because bleeding abs with pumping is a PITA on this truck.

The only thing left that can cause the rightward pull is my abs hydraulic unit. Problem is autozone wants $307 for it, plus a $122 core deposite. Not sure of the Ford price, once I saw autozone's price I nearly fell over. Anyone know of a good place to get a WORKING used abs hydraulic unit for a truck like this? I've done so much to this truck, why stop now. :-P


monkeydude3 said:
Okay so I've dropped near $500 worth in brake parts and labor on this dang thing and still she pulls to the right with the brakes on. New drums, shoes, wheel cylinders, rotors, pads, and calipers.

Did you replace the front ABS sensors too? If they are bad or dirty or misaligned with the tone ring, it can cause pulling. Bad pulling.

plus the labor for the power bleeding because bleeding abs with pumping is a PITA on this truck.

Tell me about it. The ABS hydraulic control unit (HCU) makes it that way.

The only thing left that can cause the rightward pull is my abs hydraulic unit.

...or the front ABS sensors!!!

Problem is autozone wants $307 for it, plus a $122 core deposite. Not sure of the Ford price, once I saw autozone's price I nearly fell over. Anyone know of a good place to get a WORKING used abs hydraulic unit for a truck like this?

The junkyard. Often times a wreck will be in bad shape, but the HCU will be just fine. The only problem would be getting all the air out of you know about that little difficulty already... :)

You might consider ditching out the ABS; if you're going to replace the HCU anyway, you could get an older HCU. I think (but I'm not sure, you should ask around) that you could get an HCU (and electronics) out of a rear-wheel aBS truck like a 91-92 Explorer or any Bronco II and get rid of the front sensors. I know that most of the problems people have are bleeding out the 4-wheel ABS hydraulic control units and that the older ones are MUCH easier to bleed.
